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4-pin connector for S-Video connections.
HUE settings affect the colour balance of the picture.
The picture is created by writing two half pictures with a 1 line set-off on the screen. This is
standard on conventional 50 Hz TV sets.
Kodak Picture CD
The KODAK Picture CD
is the ideal media for allround photographers. All pictures are
stored at an excellent resolution of 1024 x 1536 pixel. On the KODAK Picture CD, the im-
ages of your camera film strip are stored. It is not possible to add pictures at a later point of
Note: There also are „Kodak Foto CDs
“ available. As they have a proprietary file format,
your DVD player cannot playback these media.
LPCM stands for: Linear Pulse Code Modulation.
Digital, uncompressed audio recording. Standard on Audio-CDs.
MPEG 1 Layer 3 Codec, or short MP3, was developed in 1987 by Fraunhofer Institut für
Integrierte Schaltungen and was a revolution in audio compression. In 1992 it became part
of MPEG-1 video format. As MP3 offered high quality audio at incredible small file size, it
became an won standard. With this codec one can compress audio files to about 1 MB /
MPEG-4 is a standard used primarily to compress audio and video (AV) digital data. Intro-
duced in late 1998, it is the designation for a group of audio and video coding standards and
related technology agreed upon by the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG). The
uses for the MPEG-4 standard are web (streaming media) and CD distribution, conversation
(videophone), and broadcast television, all of which benefit from compressing the AV
stream. MPEG-4 absorbs many of the features of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 and other related
By MPEG-4 could be used a lot of different audio compression method. Most popular are
MP3 and AC3.
Widespread TV standard, espacially in US and Asia. 525 (480 viewable) Lines and 60 Hz
refresh rate. Describes the way the video information (brightness, color, refresh rate etc.) is
transmitted. Within Europe, this video standard only appears on imported media (like US

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