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Operation for Card Reader and USB
Inserting a MultiMedia Card or Secure Digital Card
Position the MultiMediaCard or Secure Digital card on its side with the
medias label on top and gold contacts on the bottom. The media should
be positioned so that the gold contacts are farthest from you and inserted
into the reader first. Please refer to below image for proper media inser-
Insert the card into the slot gold contacts first and the recessed notch on
the right. Gently push the card in all the way until the card is fixed in
Notice the notched corner of the MultiMediaCard or Secure Digital card and be careful not to
insert the MultiMediaCard or Secure Digital card in the wrong direction. To insert properly, be
sure that the card is positioned so that the recessed notch is facing right and the media‘s
label is on the top. The media is to be inserted gold contacts first.
Inserting a Memory Stick Card
Position the Memory Stick on its side with the medias label on the top and the gold
contacts on the bottom. Position the media so that the gold contacts are farthest
from you. Please refer to below image for proper media insertion.
Insert the Memory Stick into the slot gold contacts first and the recessed notch on
the left. Gently push the Memory Stick in all the way until the card is fixed in place.
Notice the rounded corner of the Memory Stick card and be careful not to insert the
Memory Stick in the wrong direction. To insert properly, be sure that the card is positioned so
that the rounded corner is facing left with the gold contacts downwards.
Inserting a CompactFlash Card
Position the CompactFlash card on ist side with the media manufacturer‘s label downwards
(refer the picture) and the connectors facing away from you. Insert the card
into the reader with the CompactFlash connectors first and label facing
Gently push the card in all the way until the card will insert no further.
Be careful not to insert the CompactFlash card in the wrong direction—be
sure the connectors are facing inward and the card‘s label is on the top side.

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