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Depending on folder/files structure on CD-ROM, playback may start automatically after in-
serting the CD-ROM with JPEG, WMA, MP3, or MPEG4 and enter playing control menu as
Some characters of folder/file names may not be displayed normally.
All the files are displayed in the left side of the window where you can choose the desired file
to play by using c or d button.
Filter function:
You could assort and filter the files you need by FILTER engine. Move the cursor to FILTER
on the right upper window, press OK button on the remote control to popup a little menu:
Audio / Photo / Video. Choose the file type you need by pressing OK button.
For example: Move the cursor to the AUDIO, press OK button once, the Ö symbol will dis-
appear, all of the audio files disappear; press OK button again, all of the audio files will be
listed in the left window. You can choose one or two types of files to display in the left main
window by choosing it from the menu.
REPEAT function:
There are three repeat modes available: All, Single and Off.
MODE function:
There are three play modes available: Normal (the files are played one by one as what
they displayed), Shuffle (the files are played randomly) and Intro (10 seconds scan of
the files).
Edit Mode:
There are tow view modes available for editing here:
Program View & Add to program
Browser View & Clear Program
When doing this operation, use UP/DOWN direction button to move to Edit Mode, than press
OK to select (highlight) it, and press Left direction button to return to the files list, choose the
desired files, after that use Right button to enter the Edit Mode window again, and move to
Add to Program before pushing OK to add the selected items up to the program to be edited.
File list window Operation window
Normal status, all files are listed in the
REPEAT: Off / All / Single
MODE: Normal / Shuffle / Intro
Edit Mode / Program view / Add to program
JPEG Photo CD/WMA/MP3/MPEG-4 playing

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