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Power Supply
1. Never touch the plug with wet hands.
2. If you want to pull the plug out of the plug socket, always pull directly on the plug. Never pull
on the cable as it could tear.
3. Make sure that the power cable is not bent, caught or run over and that it does not come into
contact with heat sources.
4. Make sure that the power cable is not wound around the device while in operation.
5. Never place the machine on the power cable while it is being operated.
6. Only use extension cables that are designed for the power consumption level of the
7. Keep the appliance away from rain and any moisture.
8. Only operate the machine if the electrical voltage stated on the type plate beneath the
machine agrees with the voltage on your plug socket. The wrong voltage can destroy the
9. Do not stand vases etc. on the appliance. Water could seep into the appliance.
10. Do not open the appliance.
11. Pull out the mains plug if the appliance is not to be used over a longer period of time.
12. Take care that nobody can trip over the power supply cable.
The player contains a battery pack.
1. The built-in battery is part of the device.
2. Do not open the device to access the battery.
3. There is a risk of fire and burns if the battery pack is handled improperly.
4. Do not disassemble, crush, puncture, short external contacts, or dispose of in fire or water.
Do not attempt to open or service the battery pack.
5. Replace only with the battery pack designated for this product.
6. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Recycling of Batteries
1. The batteries can be returned free of charge after use in the shop or
in their immediate vicinity.
2. The consumer is legally obliged to return of used batteries.
3. The icons on batteries are with one of the two following characters,
consisting of a strikethrough trashcan and the chemical symbol of
heavy metals decisive for classification as contaminant-laden.
4. Both symbols have the same meaning.
5. Batteries that contain pollutants are characterised by chemical symbols: Pb = battery
contains lead, Cd = battery containing cadmium, Hg = battery contains mercury.
Every consumer is legally obliged to make these batteries with a collection of his church or in the
trade so that they can be conveyed to an environmentally sound disposal. We discard used batteries
for you free of charge and environmentally. Simply return them to us.
Safety Information

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