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Bluetooth player Roidmi
positive terminal
negative terminal
Main characteristics
Input parameters: 12-24V ---; 0A-2.4A
Output parameters: 5V --- 2.1A
Output Power: 15.5W
Requirements: App supports Android 4.0 and
For use with the car cigarette lighter
Standard: Q / WXRM001-2015
FM: 87.5-108MHz
Bluetooth: 4.0 and above
Model: BFQ01RM
Producer: «Wuxi RuiMi Technology»
CMIIT ID: 2015DP4676
Step-by-step usage of Roidmi
1. Remove the cover of a cigarette lighter in a car
Make sure there is no waste inside of a cigarette
lighter, .
2. Insert Roidmi to a cigarette lighter.
When ashing: Pairing device via Bluetooth
or no connection. A steady light: a successful
connection of devices via Bluetooth
Settings recommendations
1. To install the player and Bluetooth connection,
please read the installation guide in the Roidmi
2. The default frequency is 96.4MHz.
3. After a successful pairing Roidmi with a smartphone,
you can set the FM radio frequency via phone, or use
an automatic search of FM frequency of broadcasting
music les, stored on your phone.
4. We recommend an FM frequency in accordance
with the recommendations of the App to maintain the
highest possible sound quality.
5. If your smartphone does not nd Roidmi, make sure
that Bluetooth is enabled on your phone, and cigarette
lighter has a power supply; If the device for a long
time do not pair, try to connect to the new device via
smartphone or restart Roidmi.
Warranty service is carried out in accordance with the
law of the «rights of consumers» and «Law on product
qualityThe warranty service includes:
During the warranty period you have a right to repair,
exchange or return an item. For repair, replacement or
return of goods you need to present a receipt.
1. In case of return of goods, without valid reason,
within 7 days from a date of purchase (via online
stores), the buyer pays the cost of delivering it.
2. In event of a problem from the «List of faults» listed
below, technical service Xiaomi determines cause of a
problem, then you can use the warranty service.

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