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Mi VR helmet
Perform step-by-step tunings, otherwise you can incorrectly use Mi VR helmet.
Make sure that the model of your phone and its software support Mi VR helmet.
For more detail information scan a QR code
Three steps for execution of necessary settings. Look at a reverse side of a
1. Insert phone, being guided by instructions of the Mi VR helmet APP
instruction .
2. Open the application and nish setup.
3. Insert phone into a helmet, adjust layout of belts.
* If there is no reminder, update the software to the appropriate version of MIUI
* Support Mi5, Mi5s, Mi5s Plus, Mi Note 2
* Mi5, Mi5s is necessary to insert into Type C the slot for reliable xing of phone
Notes before use:
1. Mi VR V1 is compatible to Mi5, Mi5s, Mi5s Plus, Mi Note 2 and other ocially
listed models.
2. Support of the MIUI system is necessary for use of Mi VR helmet. Please,
update MIUI system to the necessary version. Scan the QR code represented
on a card to check compatibility of model of phone with system requirements of
Mi VR of a helmet.
3. Children less than 13 years old have to usethis device with care.
4. Before using the device attentively read recommendations and security
Recommendations about safety
1. Please, use the device in the safe environment. «Stay in virtual reality» in the
current time will isolate you from the real world. Pay special attention to safety
surrounding among, there is a danger of falling or an accent.
2. It is necessary to use a helmet in horizontal position, at the same time you
have to feel comfortable. Make sure that the image on the display accurate and
3. In the course of use of Mi VR helmet the body gradually gets used to features
of stay in virtual reality therefore the feeling of a motion sickness is possible. If
you were tired, took medicine or alcohol, have problems with a stomach, feel
alarm or a headache, don’t use Mi VR helmet, otherwise these symptoms will be
shown even stronger.
4. Don’t use this helmet for travelings in unstable coaches, the ships, etc., it can
become the feeling sick reason.
5. In Mi VR helmet 10-15 minutes for rest are recommended to select each 30
minutes of viewing of video. Each person has dierent features of perception
therefore if you feel bad, regulate the frequency and duration of use of Mi VR
helmet according to your health.
6. Having stopped viewing of video into Mi VR heimet, when return to reality, you
may feel fatigue or a motion sickness. If you feel bad, and negative symptoms
only amplify, immediately stop use of Mi VR helmet. It is forbidden to carry out any
activity, normal coordination of movements and eyes won’t be restored yet.
7. If the device too heated up, pull out phone to allow to Mi VR helmet and phone
to cool down then it is possible to start its use again.
8. Too loud viewing of video exerts a negative impact on your hearing. When
using earphones, please, don’t include the maximum volume that you could hear
sounds of the environment and to avoid deterioration in hearing.
9. In case of the following situations immediately stop use of Mi VR helmet: if you
are in a presyncopal state, there are asthenopia signs (strong fatigue of eyes), at
a cramp, nausea, indistinct vision, distortion, bifurcation or other strange vision
disorders, giddiness, a disorientation, disturbance of equilibrium, coordination of
eyes and arms, the increased sweating and salivation, at symptoms of fatigue or a
motion desease.
Elimination of malfunctions:
Before addressing to service of client support, try to dene and rectify
independently a fault the next ways:
1. Make sure that Mi VR helmet supports model of your phone, be convinced
correctness of his installation.
2. Make sure that phone is included and unblocked.
3. Be convinced of correctness of the Mi VR helmet APP installation on the phone.
4. Temperature increase is considered the normal phenomenon, and doesn’t exert
negative impact on the term of operation of phone or its functionality. When using
Mi VR helmet phone temperature, as a rule, becomes above normal level. It is
connected with dicult graphics and computing processes of Mi VR helmet. In
case of excessive overheating of phone or obtaining the warning of an overheat,
please, immediately stop use of this device, his temperature isn’t normalized yet.
5. If you don’t move, but at the same time the image of the display jumps, be
convinced that around you there is no electronic equipment which can create
hindrances or be a source of intensive magnetic eld.
6. In case of absence of focusing of the display, adjust the provision Mi VR helmet
by means of a special disk of regulation of distance until the image becomes
rather accurate.
7. If your phone is unstable, derive it with Mi VR helmet and set again.
8. In the absence of Bluetooth connection of the panel, be convinced that it is in
the range of 10 meters from phone and has the sucient level of a charge.

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