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Mi Gamepad manual
Mi Gamepad must be connected to a TV, set-top
boxes and other devices via Bluetooth for the rst
time only. In its further use as soon as you turn it on,
it immediately will be automatically connected.
Connecting to devices
When gamepad is o, press and hold the button Mi
until it begins to ash quickly, enter the Bluetooth
mode. The TV system / Mi Box consoles have
set up the device to Connect - Bluetooth - Search
for a device to search the list to locate and select
the Mi joystick connection. After a successful
pairing, gamepad vibrates and Mi button will light
Switching on
Click on Mi button, after the successful activation of
joystick, it automatically connects via Bluetooth to
the nearest unit (in a device must also be enabled
Bluetooth). After a successful pairing, gamepad
vibrates and Mi button will lights continuously.
Switching o
Press and hold Mi button until it turns o.
Low battery notication
When Mi button ashes with an interval of 2
seconds, it indicates low battery. Please replace the
batteries for normal operation of the joystick.
Returning to main menu
Press Mi button when the gamepad is on.
Warranty service is carried out in accordance with
the law on «consumer rights» and the «Law on the
quality of products.» The warranty service includes:
During the warranty period, you have the right
to repair, exchange or return an item. For repair,
replacement or return of goods you need a warranty
1. Within 7 days from the date of purchase, in case
of a problem of «fault list» Xiaomi service center
determines the cause of the problem, then you can
choose a free replacement of product, return or
2. Within 8-15 days of purchase, in case of a
problem of «fault list» Xiaomi service center denes
the problem, then you choose a free replacement or
repair of the goods.
3. Within 12 months from the date of purchase, in
case of a problem from the «List of faults», Xiaomi
service center denes the problem, then you are
given a free repair.
The list of circumstances (including, but not limited
to), in which the compensation is not possible:
- Repair of the device by unauthorized service
centers, drop, neglect, abuse, liquid ingress, an
accident, or if you have broken or slipped label and
labeling devices;
- The warranty period is ended;
- Damage caused by force majeure;
- Problems that are not included in the list of faults;
- Damage to the device arising from use of the
device investigation for other purposes or intentional

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