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Using the remote control
Warranty service maintenance is carried out according
to the law on «The rights of consumers» and «Law on
product quality.» In warranty service includes:
During the warranty period you can repair, modify or
return the product. For repair, replacement or return of
goods, you must present the receipt.
1. Within 7 days of purchase, in case of problems with
the «List of faults» service center Xiaomi determine
the cause of the problem, then you can choose a free
replacement product, return or repair.
2. Within 8-15 days from the date of purchase, in case of
problems with the «List of faults» service center Xiaomi
denes the problem, then you choose a free replacement
or repair of the goods.
3. During the 12 months of purchase, if there is a
problem with the «fault list» service center Xiaomi
denes the problem, then you have free repair.
4. Damage to structures due to the human factor at the
end of the guarantee. For example: mechanical damage
of housing or buttons of the device; In this case no
warranty provided.
Remote control
Batteries х2
Remote control strap
1. First, insert 2 batteries (type 7)
Open the back cover for the battery, insert 2 batteries
(type 7) and close the ip cover.
2. Connection
The main TV menu sign in Mi TV devices> External and
Bluetooth> Mi Bluetooth Control Panel> Add Mi remote
control, follow the instructions of the TV. After a successful
connection, the TV will be notied of the successful pairing
of devices.
Using the remote control strap
1. Pull the strap loop through the hole at the bottom of the
battery compartment;
2. Once you pulled loop strap through the hole at the
bottom of the battery compartment, slide it through the
latch between the two batteries;
3. Insert the batteries, and close the back cover of the
battery compartment.
1. Mi remote control may be connected to all kinds of Mi
TV 2, including 40-inch, 49-inch, 55-inch Mi TV 2 and the
48-inch Mi TV 2S.
2. To ensure the normal operation of the remote, upgrade
the TV system version to 1.1.82 and above.
Use the remote control
One step
Options Wheel
Volume control
Home: quick access of home page.
Menu: demonstration of interface and various functions.
The interface online video: go to the search; interface le
playback recorded video settings; You can also nd more
video categories in interface listings, etc.
Options wheel: control choice (up, down, left, right).
While watching the video using these buttons, you can
rewind the video fast forward, backward ..
Set: You may use it as Pause/Start button while watching
a video.
Back: One step back.

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