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1. Xiaomi’s Fitness-Bracelet (Mi band)
Basis of the bracelet - strap
take the basis of the bracelet and a strap
insert the bracelet basis into a strap
put a strap to your wrist
2. Mi band App installing
Please, install the Mi band App or scan the pictured below QR-
code and download the Mi band App.
3. Mi band synchronization
Turn the Mi band App on. Then your Xiaomi smartphone
should detect the Fitness-Bracelet on base of the smartphone’s
registration number. The indicators on the smartphone will turn
blue. Gently press them few times to nish the registration.
Mi band usage
After a successful synchronization the Mi band
immediately starts to monitor the activity of your
movements and the trace quality of your sleep. The
quantity of included indicators shows the intensity of your
movements. You can look at your bracelet and check the
indicators at any time.
1/3 steps to your goal
More than 1/3 steps taken to your goal
More than 2/3 steps taken to your goal
Charging the battery
3 red ashing lights indicate the battery is running low. Please,
charge your device.
The device is charging
The device is fully charged
The goal is achieved
The presence of toxic and hazardous
Main specications *
Mi band
The total weight
: 5.0g
Battery capacity: 41mAh
Operating temperature range:
-10С – 50С
Length of the bracelet: 225mm
Material of the fastener: aluminum alloy
Requirements: synchronized with
Android 4.4, as well as synchronized via
Bluetooth with Xiaomi 4.0
Battery type: lithium-polymer battery
Synchronization: Bluetooth 4.0
Water resistance level: ІР67
Adjustable length: 157mm-205mm
Strap: polyurethane
* all technical information is valid, Xiaomi
retains nal authority in its interpretation
Title Toxic and hazardous substances or elements
of the
x o o o o o
o o o o o o
o o o o o o
o o o o o o
x o o o o o
О: toxic and hazardous substances in all parts of the device contain in an amount
below the threshold according to the SJ/ T11363-2006 “The requirements on
restriction toxic and harmful substances in the goods.”
X: means the presence of toxic and hazardous substances at least in one part
of this device in the quantity exceeding the the limit value according to the SJ/
T11363-2006 “The requirements on restriction toxic and harmful substances in
the goods.”
The copper alloy of the bracelet basics and USB-cable contains a small amount
of an aluminum alloy.
This device complies with the European requirements RoHS and the standards
for environmental protection; international countries still cannot replace or reduce
the content of aluminum in copper alloy.
The warranty service of Xiaomi Fitness-Bracelet “Mi band” is carried out in
accordance with the law of «consumer rights» and the «Law on the quality of
The warranty service includes:
During the warranty period you have the right to repair, change or return the
item. For repair, replacement or product return you must provide a receipt.
1. Within 7 days from the date of purchase, if the problem from the «List of
faults» occurs, Xiaomi service center determines the cause of the problem. Then
you choose between free product replacement, refund or repair.
2. Within 8-15 days from the date of purchase, if the problem from the «List of
faults» occurs, Xiaomi service center determines the cause of the problem. Then
you choose between free product replacement or repair.
3.Within 12 months from the date of purchase, if the problem from the «List of
faults» occurs, Xiaomi service center determines the cause of the problem. Then
you are provided with free repair.
Title Faults
Basics of the
- the initial conguration function is not working
- indicators fail to light
- vibration does not work
- wrong denition of steps
- occurrence of cracks due to the material or
construction apparatus
USB-cable improper bracelet charging
Xiaomi Fitness-Bracelet list of faults
If you have questions on the use (service) of the product, visit
the ofcial Xiaomi website: www.xiaomi-mi.com

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Xiaomi Mi Band Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

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