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maximum connection speed 300 Mbit /s
Microwave owen, Bluetooth and other devices, being within
the limits of zone of coverage of WIFI, can create specic
maximum connection speed 866 Mbit /s
Speed of connection is higher, that promotes the
suppression noise. Speed of the Internet is higher and more
stable, but the carrying capacity of network is more weak
Supports work of 802.11as, and also speed 5g Wi at a speed of
connection 867 Mbit / s. Xiaomi MI WIFI a dual band router high-data-
rate - to 1167mbit / with, that exceeds speed of other routers in 3 times.
If your mobile device supports high-speed 5GHz, connect to high-
speed wireless Internet Xiaomi_xxxx5GHz
The stronger signal coverage
Interoperability of the two radio blocks in the
range of 2.4 GHz and 5GHz. During connection
of peripheral devices, the signal of coverage
becomes yet stronger.
More opportunities at home
Mobile application MI router allows remote
control of other equipment, such as TV, web
cam, rosettes, an infrared port. In any place, at
any time, using your phone, you can remotely
manage all home entertainment devices.
To connect MI router, you need to make a few steps.
1) Connection of network cable to the power outlet
To connect one end of network cable to the blue socket of the router Xiaomi,
and second to the socket of outward network, also as a broadband and
standard modem.
Very simple device
2) WIFI connection
Wait while a blue indicator will appear on the router, connected to the
internet under the name Xiaomi WiFi.
Xiaomi _ xxxx the range of
frequencies 2.4 GHz
Xiaomi _ xxxx_5G the range of
frequencies 5 GHz
хxxx MAC address of the
3) Authorizing
Visit the web browser
or specify the IP address of the
You must go to the router
interface Xiaomi, then the
connection is completed.
Download MI router client on the phone (MI Router
At any time and in any place remotedly
manage home devices. Android, iSO phone
scans the barcode and immediately you can
download the app to your phone m² router;
on PC / MAC tablets you can download the
application m² router, visit miwi.com.
Guarantee terms
If in the ow of term of action of guarantee
you had productive defects, you can take
advantage of warranty service:
1. In a ow 7 days from the moment of purchase, in case of origin
of problem, after producing of receipt, you can return money or choose
free replacement of commodity on the same cost.
2. In a ow 15 days from the moment of purchase, in case of
origin of problem, you can take advantage of right on free replacement of
commodity on the same cost.
Terms of warranty repair
List of circumstances (including, but not limited to) for which compensation
is not possible:
- it is absence of warranty coupon, receipts or term of action of guarantee
made off;
- damages arising up at force-majeure circumstances such, as: thunderbolt,
re or ood;;
- damages arising up in investigation of the use of device not on purpose,
wrong a care or wrong technical service;
- defects arising up in investigation of technical service in the service
centers of other trade mark;
- the model number indicated in the certicate of guarantee, and number,
does not coincide on a device;
- a discolouration or wear is in investigation of exploitation of device;
- use illegal the internet by resources.
If you ran into the above-mentioned circumstances, you independently
must nd the decision of problem or take advantage of requiring payment
services in a service center.
The warranty period Mi Router - 1 year / corrected warranty certicate is
seen as invalid / from the moment that you have been printing, proof of
warranty comes into force.
Acquaintance with Mi Router mini 5G Wi

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Xiaomi Mi WiFi Router Mini Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 4 pagina's

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