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When you first turn on your WSG-2000 or when you shut it down more than one month, it is recommended to face
it oriented toward the open sky about 10 ~ 15 minutes. This position provides the best receiving status to allow the
GPS antenna to acquire and position GPS satellites information quickly. (ex. The window side, or any outdoor open
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. space-based global navigation satellite system. It provides reliable
positioning, navigation, and timing services to worldwide users on a continuous basis in all weather, day and night,
anywhere on or near the Earth. The United States have the right, without prior notice or announcement of the situation,
to reduce the overall system functionality or positioning accuracy (such as in times of war or deliberately blocked, when
a given region), the U.S. government made some change and that may affect the GPS device accuracy and performance.
If you use WSG-2000 when in a building (such as in the basement or garage), the tunnel blocked or surrounded by tall
building and terrain. It may temporarily lose the GPS satellite signals. As soon as the block is passed, WSG-2000 will re-
position and recording the GPS data back to normal
Please don't make improper changes to replace or modify on the mechanical structure and components. Those
improper changes will cause the defective on the WSG-2000 and lose the warranty rights.
Please keep of using it from dangerous environment.
Avoid placing it in the high temperature and high humidity environment for a long time.
If there is strange smell or smoking from the WSG-2000, please shut it down immediately and ask for repairing to
the store.
WSG-2000 doesn’t support SDHC Micro-SD card
PC software requires Microsoft windows XP/VISTA/7

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Andere handleiding(en) van Wintec WSG-2000

Wintec WSG-2000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 44 pagina's

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