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Normal ring interval for nominal ring
Fuel Kg Normal Firing Interval
Wood 2.0 50 min
Please note: The stove is approved for intermittent use
The Difference Between Short and Long Combustion Times
Short combustion time
You create powerful warmth quickly by burning many smaller pieces of rewood.
Long Burning Time
You create a longer combustion time by burning fewer and larger pieces of wood. You achieve the best
possible combustion by regulating with the air damper. A bit of air must, however, be added from the
pane-ush in order to achieve better combustion.
Achieving the Best Possible Combustion
Use dry, clean wood.
Wet wood results in poor combustion, excess smoke and soot. In addition, more warmth will be used to
dry the wood instead of heating the room.
Fire a Bit at a Time
You achieve the best possible combustion by ring often and a bit at a time. If you add too much rewood
at once, too much time will pass before the temperature becomes high enough for you to achieve good
Make Sure There is the Right Amount of Air in the Combustion Chamber
You should also make sure that there is an ample amount of air - especially in the beginning - so that the
temperature inside the wood-burning stove quickly rises. Gases and particles released during burning
are then more easily burned off. Otherwise, they gather as soot in the chimney (which increases the risk
of chimney re) or are emitted unburned into the atmosphere. The wrong amount of air supply creates
inefcient combustion and modest effect.
Don’t savour the re during night time
We advise against adding re wood to your stove and reducing the air supply at night in an attempt to still
have some embers left in the morning. If you do so, large amounts of hazardous smoke will be emitted,
and your chimney will be exposed to unnecessarily large amounts of soot with the risk of a chimney re.
Lighting and Firing your WIKING Wood-Burning Stove
The First Firing
The rst time you re your wood-burning stove, you must do so carefully, as all materials need to adjust
to the heat. This means that the stove must be heated slowly, until it reaches its maximum heat level.
Afterwards, you should re a few times so that the stove is thoroughly heated throughout.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Wiking Scandic

Wiking Scandic Gebruiksaanwijzing en installatiehandleiding - Nederlands, Français - 40 pagina's

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