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Trouble Shooting
If you experience that your wood-burning stove is not functioning optimally, consult this table to
nd some usual problems that may arise and how to solve them. If you cannot solve them and/
or other problems occur, pleas contact your maintenance man or wood-burning stove dealer.
Problem Possible Cause Try the Following
I cannot make a
sucient re in
the stove.
Incorrect lighting. Further information: See the section on
lighting and ring the stove.
Poor chimney draft. Ensure that the smoke pipe or chimney is not
blocked. Ensure that the chimney height is
correct in relation to its surroundings.
The glass pane
is covered in
The wood is too
Only re with rewood that has dried for at
least 12 months beneath a covered shed and
with a water content of 12-18%.
A seal in the door is
The seals should be soft and exible. If they
are not, replace them. New seals can be
purchased from your local wood-burning stove
Insucient supply of
secondary air to the
pane-ushing system.
Move the regulating handle further to the left.
The temperature inside
the stove is too low.
Put more wood in the stove and move the
regulating lever further to the left.
Smoke enters
the room when I
open the door.
The damper in the
chimney is closed.
Open the damper.
Poor chimney draft. Ensure that the smoke pipe or chimney is not
blocked. Ensure that the chimney height is
correct in relation to its surroundings.
The rewood is in
Never open the door if the rewood is in
The re-proof
materials in the
chamber are
blackened after
You have not red
enough, i.e., there
is not enough air or
Move the regulating handle further to the left.
Moreover, igniting a larger quantity of wood
might be needed.
Combustion is
A seal in the door or
ash drawer is loose.
The seals should be soft and exible. If they
are not, replace them. New seals can be
purchased from your local wood-burning stove
Excess chimney draft. Close the damper in the chimney a bit at a time
until the problem is solved. At the same time,
move the regulating lever further to the right.
The door is not com-
pletely sealed.
Close the door completely. If it cannot close
completely, it must be replaced with an original
spare part.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Wiking Luma

Wiking Luma Gebruiksaanwijzing en installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

Wiking Luma Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 24 pagina's

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