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Problem Possible Causes Solutions
The dehumidifier does not
Power failure / outage.
The automatic switch, line fuse,
or breaker has been tripped.
The power supply voltage is too
The power cord is damaged.
The dryness level you selected
has been reached.
Water bucket is full or not
positioned properly.
Restore the power supply.
Flip the switch / change the fuse / turn the
breaker back on. Also note that you may
have too many appliances drawing power
on one circuit, you may need to move the
other appliances to another circuit.
Move the appliance onto another circuit
with the correct voltage.
Call for service. Only authorized person-
nel should replace damaged power cord
or power plug.
If you want to remove more moisture, set
the timer to “00” to run the appliance con-
Empty water bucket and insert the bucket
to the appliance properly.
The dehumidifier runs too
Windows or doors near dehu-
midifier are open.
Area to be dehumidified is too
Air movement through dehu-
midifier is blocked. Air grill may
be dirty.
Continuous mode is on.
Close all windows or doors.
You may need an additional dehumidifier
for area.
Clean the air filter.
The appliance must be placed in a space
that does not restrict air flowing into the
rear coil or out of the front grill.
Set the RH% level and the appliance will
stop when the set RH% is reached.
The dehumidifier runs but
the room is not dry enough.
Humidity setting (RH%) is too
The dehumidifier does not have
sufficient clearance to operate.
Room temperature is too low.
Windows or doors are opened.
Set the humidity level to a lower RH%.
We recommend setting the RH% to at
least 10% lower than the current RH%
Ensure there is at least 10” of clearance
for proper ventilation.
The appliance will not operate satisfacto-
rily if the room temperature is below 53°F
Close windows or doors.
Frost appears on the coils
above the bucket.
The dehumidifier has been
turned on recently.
Room temperature is too low.
This is normal due to refrigerant rushing
through the coil. Frost will usually disap-
pear within 60 minutes.
The appliance will not operate satisfacto-
rily if the room temperature is below 53°F
The dehumidifier makes
loud noise.
Appliance not level. Shut off the appliance and let it sit on lev-
el surface for at least 6 hours
The dehumidifier leaks.
Continuous drainage hose is
Cracked water bucket.
Secure the drain hose.
Contact customer service.

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