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This WHYNTER SNO portable air conditioner is warranted, to the original owner within
the 48 continental states, for one year from the date of purchase against defects in material
and workmanship under normal use and service. Should your SNO portable air conditioner
prove defective within one year from the date of purchase, return the defective part or unit,
freight prepaid (within two months of purchase; after two months to one year, customer will
be responsible for freight cost to Whynter’s service department), along with an explanation.
Please ship the SNO portable air conditioner in its original packaging material to avoid damage
in transit. Please retain original box and packaging material. Under this warranty, Whynter
will repair or replace any parts found defective. This warranty is not transferable. After the
expiration of the warranty, the cost of labor and parts will be the responsibility of the original
owner of the unit.
- Acts of God, such as fire, flood, hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes.
- Damage, accidental or other wise, to the portable air conditioner while in the possession
of a consumer not caused by a defect in material or workmanship;
- Damage caused by consumer misuse, tampering, or failure to follow the care and special
handling provisions in the instructions.
- Damage to the finish of the case, or other appearance parts caused by wear.
1) Filter.
2) Damage caused by repairs or alterations of the unit by anyone other than authorized
by the manufacturer.
3) Freight and Insurance cost for the warranty service.
To obtain service or information, contact
Whynter Innovations Group via Email at service@whynter.com or call
It is important that you read
these instructions before
using your new purchase and
we strongly recommend that
you keep them in a safe place
for future reference.
Owner’s Manual
For models ARC-12D & ARC-12H

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