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1. Packing
The packing box may be fully recycled as
confirmed by the recycling symbol .
2. Energy saving tips
Always dry a full load: depending on the type of
laundry and the programme/drying time.
By preference use the maximum spin speed
allowed by your washing machine, since draining
the water mechanically requires less energy. You
will save time and energy when running your drying
Do not overdry the laundry.
Clean the lint filter after
drying cycle.
Place your dryer in a room with a temperature
between 15° C and 20° C. In case of higher
temperature ventilate the room.
Always select the correct programme/drying time
for the load in order to obtain the desired drying
Select the gentle option only with small loads.
When drying cotton, for example. dry iron dry and
cupboard dry loads together. Start with the iron dry
programme/drying time setting, remove the
laundry to be ironed at the end of that cycle and dry
the remainder of the load on the cupboard dry
3. Disposing of packaging and old Dryer:
The dryer is built from reusable materials. The
dryer must be disposed of in compliance with local
waste disposal regulations.
Before scrapping, cut off the power cable so that
the dryer cannot be connected to the mains.
4. Child safety:
Children must not be allowed to play with the dryer.
5. General recommendations:
Always set the programme/time selector knob to
the “0” position after use.This prevents the dryer
from being switched on accidentally.
Before cleaning or carrying out maintenance,
switch off the dryer and disconnect it from the
mains supply.
To clean the outside of the dryer, use a neutral
detergent and a damp cloth.
Do not use abrasive detergents.
Do not use inflammable cleansing agents.
Do not use the tumble dryer if chemicals have been
used for cleaning.
Garments treated or contaminated with flammable
cleaning sprays or liquids such as petrol, cooking oil
or aerosol sprays must not be put in this dryer.
Lighters must not be left in pockets.
Never use and store flammable materials nearby
the dryer.
Wipe away lint from the door seal and the door
using a damp cloth.
If the lint filter mesh is clogged, clean it with water
and a soft brush.
Since lint can go through the filter it is necessary to
clean, from time to time, the complete filter area
(including below the filter) with a brush, a damp
cloth or with a vacuum cleaner.
If necessary, the power cable may be replaced with
an identical one obtained from our After-Sales
Service. The power cable must only be replaced by
a qualified technician.
6. To minimize the risk of fire in tumble
dryer, the following should be observed:
Oil-affected item can ignite spontanously, especially
when exposed to heat sources such as in a tumble
dryer. The items become warm, causing an
oxidation reaction in the oil. Oxidation creates
heat. If the heat cannot escape, the items can
become hot enough to catch fire. Piling, stacking or
storing oil-affected items can prevent heat from
escaping and so create a fire hazard.
Do not tumble dry unwashed items in the tumble
If it is unavoidable that fabrics that contain vegetable
or cooking oil or have been contaminated by hair
care products be placed in a tumble dryer they
should first be washed in hot water with extra
detergent - this will reduce, but not eliminate, the
Items that have been soiled with substances such as
cooking oil, acetone, alcohol, petrol, kerosene,
spot removers, turpentine, waxes and wax
removers should be washed in hot water with an
extra amount of detergent before being dried in the
tumble dryer.
Items such as foam rubber (latex foam), shower
caps, waterproof textiles, rubber backed articles
and clothes or pillows fitted with foam rubber pads
should not be dried in the tumble dryer.
Fabric softeners, or similar products, should be
used as specified by the fabric softener instructions.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Whirlpool nevada c

Whirlpool nevada c Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

Whirlpool nevada c Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Whirlpool nevada c Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 9 pagina's

Whirlpool nevada c Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Whirlpool nevada c Snelstart handleiding - English - 4 pagina's

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