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You can download the Safety Instructions, User Manual, Product Fiche and Energy data by:
Visiting our website - docs.whirlpool.eu
Using QR Code
Alternatively, contact our After-sales Service (See phone number in the warranty booklet). When
contacting our After-sales Service, please state the codes provided on your product’s identi cation plate.
In order to receive a more complete assistance,
please register your product on
Quick guide
Before using the appliance carefully read the Safety Instructions.
Before contacting the Service Centre, refer to the table below. Often the malfunctions are minor and can be solved in few minutes
Possible cause
The tumble
dryer does not
turn on.
The plug is not inserted into the socket.
Insert the plug into the socket.
The plug is faulty.
Try to plug another appliance in the same socket. Do not use
connecting electrical devices to the socket, as adapters or extensions
A power failure occurred. Await the reactivation of the power supply.
The tumble
dryer does not
The door is open.
Close the door.
A time delay for the cycle start was set.
For machines equipped with this function: await the end of the delay
set or switch the machine o to reset it. Refer to the section Options.
The button Start/Pause was not pressed to start
the program.
Press the button Start/Pause.
The function Key Lock was enabled (in case of
machines equipped with this option).
Refer to the option section and, if the Key Lock is present, disable it.
Switching the machine o is not enough to disable this option.
The drying
times are very
An appropriate maintenance was not carried
Refer to the section Care & Maintenance and perform the operations
The programme, the time and/or the drying
level set are not suitable for the type and the
amount of load inserted into the dryer.
Refer to the section programmes and options to  nd the programme
and the options most suitable for the type of load.
The garments are too wet.
Carry out a washing cycle with higher spin speed to remove as much
water as possible.
The dryer may be overloaded.
Refer to the programme section to check the max. load for each
A power failure occurred might have occurred.
In case of power failure, it is necessary to press the button Start/Pause
to restart the cycle.
Lights on or  ashing
Water tank The water tank is full. Emtpy the water tank. Refer to the section Care & Maintenance.
and/or bottom
Failure of the air  ow necessary for machine
Clean the door  lter and the bottom one and check whether air
intake is free. Carrying out these operations improperly may cause
Bottom  lter* The bottom  lter requires cleaning. Clean the bottom  lter. Refer to section Care & Maintanence.
Il display mostra
"Fault FX EX"
The machine sensors detected a failure.
Switch the dryer o and unplug it. Open the door immediately and
pull laundry out, to allow the heat to dissipate. Wait for about 15
minutes. Reconnect the dryer to the power supply, load the laundry
and restart the drying cycle. If the problem still occurs, contact
the After-Sales Service Centre and communicate the letters and
digits  ashing on the display.
For instance: F3 and E2
The cycle lasts
few minutes.
The dryer is in DEMO mode. (enter demo)
Disable the Demo mode. The following actions must be carried out
in sequence, without breaks. Switch the machine on and then switch
it o again. Press the buttons No. 2 and 13 (see  rst page) until the
buzzer is heard.
Switch the machine on again. Exit from demo mode is signalled.
*Note: some models are self-cleaning and not equipped with bottom  lter. Please refer to the section Care & Maintenance.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Whirlpool STU92X

Whirlpool STU92X Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Whirlpool STU92X Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Whirlpool STU92X Snelstart handleiding - Français - 4 pagina's

Whirlpool STU92X Snelstart handleiding - Espanõl - 4 pagina's

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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