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Correct replacement are
identied by the colour insert
or the colour embossed in
words on the base of the plug.
Replacement fuse covers
are available from your local
electrical store.
For the Republic of Ireland
The information given in
respect of Great Britain will
frequently apply, but a third
type of plug and socket is also
used, the 2-pin, side earth
Socket outlet / plug (valid for
both countries)
If the tted plug is not suitable
for your socket outlet, please
contact After-sales Service for
further instruction. Please do
not attempt to change plug
yourself. This procedure needs
to be carried out by a qualied
technician in compliance with
the manufactures instructions
and current standard safety
Do not exceed the maximum
load allowed. Check the
maximum load allowed in the
programme chart.
Do not dry unwashed items in
the tumble dryer.
Do not overdry the laundry.
Take care that no lint or dust is
accumulated around the dryer.
Fabric softeners, or similar
products, should be used as
specied by the fabric softener
Do not operate this dryer if
it has a damaged mains cord
or plug, if it is not working
properly, or if it has been
damaged or dropped. Do not
immerse the mains cord or
plug in water. Keep the cord
away from hot surfaces.
The electrical components
must not be accessible to the
user after installation.
Do not touch the dryer with
any wet part of the body
and do not operate it when
Fuse replacement.
If the mains lead of this dryer is
tted with a BS 1363A 13amp
fused plug, to change a fuse in
this type of plug use an A.S.T.A.
approved fuse to BS 1362 type
and proceed as follows:
1. Remove the fuse cover (A)
and fuse(B).
2. Fit replacement 13A fuse into
fuse cover.
3. Ret both into plug.
The fuse cover must be retted
when changing a fuse and
if the fuse cover is lost the
plug must not be used until a
correct replacement is tted.
The dryer is not designed for
built-in installation.
The dryer can be installed
under a worktop, provided
that adequate ventilation of
the dryer is assured. Install
a ventilation grid (minimum
45cm x 8cm), in the rear part
of the worktop under which
the dryer is installed.
Make sure the voltage specied
on the rating plate corresponds
to that of your home.
For installation to comply with
current safety regulations,
an omnipolar switch with
minimum contact gap of 3mm
is required.
Regulation require that the
dryer is earthed.
For dryers with tted plug,
if the plug is not suitable for
you socket outlet, contact a
qualied technician.
Do not use extension leads,
multiple sockets or adapters.
Do not connect the dryer to a
socket which can be operated
by remote control.
The power cable must be
long enough for connecting
the dryer, once tted in its
housing, to the main power
Do not pull the power supply
If the power cable is damaged
it must be replaced with an
identical one. The power
cable must only be replaced
by a qualied technician
in compliance with the
manufacturer instruction and
current safety regulations.
Contact an authorized service

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Whirlpool HSCX 10432 - 6TH SENSE Supreme Care Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

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Whirlpool HSCX 10432 - 6TH SENSE Supreme Care Snelstart handleiding - English - 8 pagina's

Whirlpool HSCX 10432 - 6TH SENSE Supreme Care Snelstart handleiding - Français - 8 pagina's

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