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To make the most out of your new appliance,
please read the user instructions carefully and keep
them handy for future consultation.
Before using the appliance please follow and
set according to the below indications:
Remote Control (RC) presetting:
Each time the batteries are replaced in the remote
control, the RC is pre-set on Heat pump.
If the air conditioner that you purchased is a
cooling only, then the pre-set on Heat pump will
not bring any changes.
Auto-Restart presetting Function:
To set the auto-restart function, press the
Emergency button (ON/OFF) on the indoor unit
for at least 5 seconds
A buzz sound will signal that the auto-restart
function is set and the air conditioner is in standby.
To cancel the auto-restart function, repeat the
above steps.
Do not install the appliance if it is connected to
the power supply.
The Installation and service/repair must be
performed by a qualified technician, in
compliance with the producer's instructions and
following local safety norms. Do not repair or
replace any parts of the appliance unless it is
specifically written in the user instructions.
The grounding of this appliance is compulsory.
Make sure that the power supply cord is long
enough to allow the right connection. Do not
use any extension cord for power supply.
Do not pull the power supply cord to remove it
from the socket.
Do not twist or press the power supply cord,
and make sure it is not broken.
Once installation is completed, the electric
components must not be accessible to the users.
Do not touch the operation buttons when your
hands are wet and don't use the appliance when
you are barefoot.
Physically or mentally disabled people, children
and people without any experience with the
product are only allowed to use the appliance if
they have had specific training on how to
operate the appliance by a person responsible
for their security and well-being. The appliance
is not intended for use by disabled people and
very young children without supervision.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Whirlpool AMD 041

Whirlpool AMD 041 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 21 pagina's

Whirlpool AMD 041 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 21 pagina's

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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