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AKP 681
5019 310 53481/A
0 Off
Oven light
Use when all the food is on the same runner level.
- Pre-heat the oven to the required cooking temperature and place the food inside as soon as the red thermostat
indicator light switches off.
- Ideally, the shelf should be on the second runner level when using the static function.
Use this function when cooking on two different levels.
- Oven preheating is not necessary (except for pizzas and focaccia).
- Switch the position of the dishes in the oven 10 minutes before the end of cooking time.
- Remove the cooked dish and, if necessary, continue cooking the other one for as long as required.
Use the grill function to cook small pieces of meat (steaks, sausages) and for making toasts.
- The oven door must be closed during the cooking cycle.
- Preheat the grill for about 5 minutes.
- Arrange the meat on the grid with the drip tray underneath. Pour water in the drip tray to cover the bottom to
reduce smoke and fat spatters.
- Turn over the meat about half-way through cooking time.
Ideal for large joints, pork, chicken and roast beef.
- The oven door must be closed during the cooking cycle.
- Place the meat on the grid with the drip tray underneath. Pour water in the drip tray to cover the bottom to
reduce smoke and fat spatters.
- Turn over the meat about half-way through cooking time.
Ideal for thawing frozen food to room temperature.
- The food should be inserted in the oven in its wrapping to prevent it from drying out
This function is ideal for:
- large fruitcakes
- timbales
- stuffed vegetables
- pizza
- poultry (more than 3 kg)
Oven preheating is not necessary (except for pizzas and focaccia).
First...Last: Runner positions
1. Control panel
2. Cooling fan (not visible)
3. Upper heating element
4. Grill element
5. Oven light
6. Round heating element (not visible)
7. Fan
8. Lower heating element (not visible)
9. Oven door hinges
10. Oven cool door
1. Mechanical automatic off
2. Oven thermostat knob
3. Oven functions selector knob
4. Thermostat indicator light
Drip tray
Push-Push knobs
To use this type of knob, press it in the middle.
Turn the knob to the desired position.
Once cooking is over, turn the knob back to the position marked by “0” and
press it again to restore it to its initial setting.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Whirlpool AKP 681 IX

Whirlpool AKP 681 IX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Whirlpool AKP 681 IX Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Whirlpool AKP 681 IX Snelstart handleiding - Français - 2 pagina's

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