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These snow chains form an important part of your car’s winter equipment for safe driving on snow and ice. Please observe the following instructions carefully.
Chains can be mounted on all tyres with indicated dimensions, except for oversize tyres, for which you could have some difficulties in mounting. Chains cannot
be mounted on those tyres and vehicles which are not designed to carry chains. It is advisable to make a test mounting before use in a convenient place.
Snow chains must be checked for signs of wear before and preferably also after using them. If there is any obvious damage or links are less than 50% of their
original thickness then the chains must be replaced.
Chains are designed to fit a range of tyres with different dimensions. In order to get the best fit on your particular tyres, we recommend that, after travelling for
half a kilometre or so, you should stop the vehicle and re-tighten the chains. This is important both for your safety and to reduce the risk of vehicle damage!
The use of chains affects the way your car handles. Please drive with extra care on snow-covered roads and NEVER exceed 50 km/h!
If roads are not uniformly covered by snow, again the maximum speed is 50 km/h. If roads are completely free from snow and ice, you should definitely remove
the chains as soon as possible. Until you find a safe place to do this you should reduce your speed further for safety reasons and to avoid excessive chain
The life expectancy of the chains depends on speed and driving habits. Especially on roads free from snow and ice, you should avoid spinning the tyres when
moving off.
Chains are electro-galvanized. They may corrode during usage, especially due to salt on the roads. It is important that chains are washed in warm water as
soon as possible after use in order to eliminate the deposits of salt and to prevent rust. They should then be thoroughly dried with a towel and protected with
a little grease before returning to the storage bag/container.
We cannot accept responsibility for wear and tear of chains, or for defects caused by incorrect use or by incorrect mounting.
In case of any apparent defective performance, remove the chains immediately. If a chain link breaks, it is usually possible to replace it using a repair link. For
this you need a pair of pliers. You are advised to carry a pair with your chains.
Via Verdi, 11 - Fusine in Valromana 33018 Tarvisio (Ud) Tel. +39 0428 4171 - Fax +39 0428 417301 www.weissenfels.com - E-mail: info@weissenfels.com

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