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RF basic thermostat WFHTRF 010 (20433)
Measured temperature precision
0.1°C (or 0.2°F)
Operating temperature
0°C - 50°C (or 32°F 122°F)
Setting temperature range
5°C - 37°C by 0.5°C step (or 41°F - 99°F by 0.5°F step)
Regulation characteristics
Proportional Integral regulation
(adjustable see installation menu) Cycle
Anti-short cycle: 3min in OFF, 2min in ON.
Electrical Protection
Class II - IP30
Power Supply
Battery operated life
2 x 1,5V (AAA) ALKALINE type
~ 2 years
Radio frequency
868 MHz, <10mW.
CE Directives
Your product has been designed in
conformity with the European Directives.
R&TTE 1999/5/EC
EMC 2004/108/EC
RoHS 2011/65/EU
To assign (*) the RF thermostat with the receiver you must put the receiver in “RF init” mode
(please refer to the receiver leaflet).
After you have just Press key during 5 sec, when the display (rF “”). The thermostat sends its configu-
ration address by radio signal.
When the receiver is configured, Press key to return to user menu.
* (In this mode the thermostat should be near the receiver)
Optional external
sensor 10K at 25°C
Use key to change the mode in the Operating mode menu
COMFORT operating mode:
Force comfort temperature operation indefinitely. By pressing keys or the comfort temperature starts to
blink and can be adjusted. The measured temperature reappears after a few seconds.
REDUCED operating mode:
Force reduced temperature operation indefinitely. By pressing or keys the comfort temperature starts to
blink and can be adjusted. The measured temperature reappears after a few seconds.
Press the key during 5 seconds, then use or keys to select the installation parameter to be adjusted.
Press to toggle the parameter setting or edit the value.
If the value starts to blink you can use or keys to adjust this value.
Press and keys at the same time to reset this value to the factory default value. Once you have adjusted the
value press to validate this parameter value.
The manufacturer herewith
declares that the device
complies with the basic
requirements and all other
relevant regulations of the
1999/5/CE directive.
This thermostat can be
used in all EU and
EFTA countries.
Switch on and switch
off the thermostat
Use the switch on the right side of the thermostat to power on or power off the heating.
Be careful! In this mode, your installation can freeze.
The setting temperatures are kept in memory indefinitely.
Default value & other possibilities
rF: Radio configuration mode (see the corresponding section).
Press (OK) on this parameter to exit the parameters menu end come back to the main display.
JO: Type of degrees displayed
°C Celsius
°F Fahrenheit
J1: Operating mode:
Hot for heating application
CLd for cooling application
J5: Anti-lock-braking function of the pump when the pump hasn’t worked on a particular day, start it up for one minute each day:
Pmp Function activated
no Function deactivated
J6: Selection of the sensor used for the regulation:
Air: Room sensor only or room sensor with floor limitation if the external sensor is connected.
Flr: External sensor only without limitations.
A0: Calibration of the internal sensor
(The calibration must be done after 12Hours working with the same setting temperature)
- To check the temperature in the room, put a thermometer at 1.5m distance to the floor in the concerned room and wait 1
hour to be sure that the thermometer shows the correct temperature. Then you can enter the value saw on the thermome-
ter with (-◄) or (►+) keys.
F0: Calibration of the external sensor.
The calibration must be done same as described above if the external sensor is connected and used like an external ambi-
ance sensor.
If the external sensor is used as floor sensor, the thermometer should be put on the floor.
FL: Lower limitation of the floor temperature. Only effective if the external sensor is connected and selected:
18°C Adjustable From 5°C to „FH
FH: Upper limitation of the floor temperature. Only effective if the external sensor is connected and selected:
35°C Adjustable From „Fl“ to 37°C
J7: Selection of regulation type:
rEg: Proportional band (PWM)
hys: Static differential of 0.3°K
CY: Proportional Integral regulation time cycle
value in minutes:
15 slow systems adapted to the regulation of actuators.
On: Anti short cycle time ON:
2mn : Minimum time ON
Of: Anti short cycle time OFF:
2mn : Minimum time Off
Bp: Value of the proportional band in °C:
2.0 °C Adjustable 1°C to + 7°C
Increase the value if the temperature in the room is unstable.
Cp: Value of the compensation in °C:
2.0°C Adjustable 1°C to 8°C
* This value must be adjusted by a specialist.
Clr: All parameters are reloaded with default setting values.
End : Exit.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Watts WFHTRF 010 -20433

Watts WFHTRF 010 -20433 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Watts WFHTRF 010 -20433 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 4 pagina's

Watts WFHTRF 010 -20433 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 2 pagina's

Watts WFHTRF 010 -20433 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English, Espanõl - 18 pagina's

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