Pagina terug
Pagina verder
G Congratulations on your purchase of a WOLF lawn mower
Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Faults and how to remedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
A quick guide to features
Lithium ion technology
Exchangeable battery system
Quick-recharge system
Central 5-position cutting height adjustment
Fold-down handle for space-saving storage and easy transport
2-position handle height adjustment
Easily emptied, large catchment bag with level indicator
High-quality materials, excellent workmanship and attractive
Safety instructions
Meaning of the symbols
General information
z This lawnmower is designed for domestic grass and lawn sur-
faces. Because of the physical risk to the user or to others, the
lawnmower must not be used for other purposes.
z Never mow the lawn if others – in particular children and ani-
mals – are in the vicinity.
z Only mow the lawn during daylight or with the aid of appropri-
ate artificial light.
z Do not expose the lawnmower to temperatures exceeding 80°
C. Never mow for longer periods of time in direct sunlight
where there is no shade.
Before mowing
z Always wear sturdy shoes and long trousers when mowing.
z Never mow while barefoot or wearing flimsy sandals.
z Check the site on which the machine is to be used, and remo-
ve all items which could be caught and ejected.
z Check the line and connection cable fitted to the outside of the
lawnmower for damage and ageing (brittleness). Only use if in
perfect condition.
z Only have the cable repaired by a qualified person.
z Check the grass catchment device regularly for wear-and-tear
and deformation.
z Before use, carry out a visual inspection to check whether the
cutting gear and its mounts are blunt or damaged. In order to
avoid generating an imbalance, replace blunt or damaged cut-
ting gear as an entire set.
When mowing
z Do not tilt the lawnmower when switching on the motor, unless
the lawnmower has to be tilted when starting. If that is the
case, do not tip the lawnmower more than absolutely neces-
sary, and only lift the part furthest removed from the user. Al-
ways ensure that both hands are in the operating position
before replacing the lawnmower on the ground.
z Maintain the safety distance prescribed by the handle bars.
It is important that you read, fully understand and ob-
serve the following safety precautions and warnings.
Careless or improper use of the machine may cause
serious or fatal injury. The user is responsible for any
accidents involving other people or other people‘s pro-
Never let children or other persons who are not familiar
with the operating instructions use the lawnmower. Ju-
veniles under l6 years may not use the equipment. Lo-
cal regulations may specify the minimum age of the
Read instruction
manual before
Keep bystan-
ders away!
Caution! - Sharp
cutting blade - be-
fore carrying out
work, remove con-
tact key and dis-
connect battery!
Caution! Blades
continue rota-
tion when the
motor is
switched off!
Wait until all ro-
tating parts
have come to a
For technical re-
asons, it might
take 2 to 3 se-
conds before the
motor starts up.
Original operating instructions

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