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4 English
This owner’s guide and any additional inserts are considered part of
the product. They contain important information about safety, use and
disposal. Before using the product, please familiarize yourself with all
operating and safety instructions. Please keep all documents for future
reference and pass these documents on, together with the product,
to any future owner. See our website to view, download and print the
most current version of this owner’s guide.
INTENDED USE: This product is intended to heat and circulate
the air in indoor living spaces only. This product is not intended
for commercial or industrial use. The manufacturer assumes no
responsibility for damage or injury due to unauthorized use or
product modication. Failure to follow these directions will void the
product warranty.
WARNING: Risk to Children and Impaired Persons
- Extreme caution is required during the installation, operation,
cleaning and maintenance of this product by or around children
under age 12 and anyone with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance, its parts and packaging material.
INSTALLATION WARNING—To reduce risk of re, electrical shock
and injury to persons, observe the following:
- A heater has hot and arcing or sparking parts inside. Do not use it in
areas where gasoline, paint, or flammable liquids are used or stored.
- Do not use this heater in an RV, boat or during any application
where battery power is converted to AC power.
- Place this product at least 3 feet away on all sides from, electrical
outlets, furniture, pillows, bedding, papers, clothes, curtains and
other objects that may cause or catch on re. Do not place the
heater near a bed because objects such as pillows or blankets can
fall off the bed and be ignited by the heater.
- To prevent a possible re, do not place the heater on soft
surfaces, like a bed, where air intakes or exhaust can be blocked in
any manner.
- No part of this product (the appliance, power cord, plug, packaging,
etc.) should be placed near furnaces, replaces, stoves or other high
temperature heat sources. Do not use in a window, on an uneven or
unstable surface, or near water.
- The appliance, power supply, power cord and plug cannot come
into contact with water. Do not use this product on wet surfaces.
Do not use this product in a bathtub or shower or position product
where it may fall into a bathtub, laundry, swimming pool or other
water container. Do not use this product outdoors or expose it to
weather or elements.
- Do not run cord under carpeting. Do not cover cord with throw
rugs, runners, or similar coverings. Do not route under furniture or
appliances. Arrange cord away from trafc area and where it will not
be tripped over. The cord should not hang over edges of counters
or be placed where it can be crimped or closed in doors. Place
appliance near an easily accessible outlet so the product can be
unplugged quickly during an emergency.
- Do not modify the product with any aftermarket accessory.
SAFE USE WARNING—To reduce risk of re, electrical shock and
injury to persons, observe the following:

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