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Power on your phone1.2.2
Hold down the Power key until the phone turns on. It will take some
seconds before the screen lights up.
Set up your phone for the first time
The first time you power on the phone, you are asked to touch "Location
consent" to begin. And then do below settings: Language, Mobile data,
Set up Google account and Data & time
If you don't have a SIM card inserted you can still connect to a Wi-Fi
network from the Power on screen, which will let you sign on to your
Google account and use some features.
Power off your phone1.2.3
Hold down the Power key until the phone options appear. Tap Power
off, then tap OK.
Sleep mode1.2.4
After a set time, your phone will go into a sleep mode to save power. You
can also press the Power key once to send the phone to sleep mode.
To wake your phone from sleep mode, just press the Power key.
Lock/Unlock the screen1.2.5
When you wake your phone from sleep mode you'll see a Lock screen,
which prevents accidental key presses.
To unlock the screen, touch and slide the to the right. You can also
slide it in other directions to perform other actions, such as search or
starting the camera.
You can change the type of lock screen so that in unlocks with a
password or by drawing a pattern by pressing and holding the Multitask
key and touching System settings > Security > Set up screen
lock > PIN or Password or Slide.
Application availability depends on country and operator.
Home screen1.3
You can bring all the items (applications, shortcuts, folders and widgets)
you love or use most frequently to your Home screen for quick access.
Press the Home key to switch to the Home screen.
Status bar
Status/Notification indicators •
Touch and Drag down to open •
the Notification panel.
Application tab
Touch to open applications list.
Touch to access Messaging.
Touch to access Browser.
Touch to access Call log if you have missed
calls. Touch to access dial screen.
Touch to access People.
Search bar
Touch a to enter Search options:
All, Web, Apps, Contacts, etc.
Touch b to enter voice search
Touch an icon to open an
application, folder, etc.
The Home screen extends on either side of the screen to allow more
space for adding applications, shortcuts etc. Slide the Home screen
horizontally left and right to get a complete view of the Home screen.
IP4497_VF975_VF975N_QG_Eng_GB_53_130417.indd 5-6 2013-4-17 10:33:42

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Andere handleiding(en) van Vodafone Smart III

Vodafone Smart III Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

Vodafone Smart III Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

Vodafone Smart III Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 65 pagina's

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