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Technical Support
For technical support issues please visit our website at www.vivitar.com. You can find manuals,
software and FAQ‟s at the website. Can‟t find what you are looking for? E-mail us at
support@vivitar.com and one of our technical support team members will answer your
questions. For phone support in the US please call 1-800-592-9541, in the UK call 0800 917 4831,
in Australia call 1800-006-614. If you would like to call from anywhere else, please visit
www.vivitar.com for your local toll free number.
Q: I have taken photos and selected the “Get Images” button. I get a message that the
images were successfully transferred but the photos do not appear on my computer.
What do I do?
First ensure that you have in fact taken photos. Press the Shutter button to take some sample
photos and then try downloading them again.
With test photos if the camera powers off before you upload them to the computer the photos are
not stored in the camera`s memory. These photos should be uploaded quickly before the camera
powers off. If the photos are saved to the SD memory card then all the photos should appear.
Q: How do I make sure I don't lose important pictures?
This camera requires an SD card for normal use. If the camera powers off nothing will happen to
the images stored on the SD memory card. We recommend always downloading your photos to
your computer as soon as possible to prevent unintentional data loss.
Q: I deleted images using the Vivitar Experience Image Manager. The images were also
deleted from my computer. How do I recover images that I accidently deleted?
All images deleted using the Vivitar Experience Image Manager are sent to your computer`s
Recycle or Trash Bin and can be retrieved from there.
VF332-130910-TA-v2-1409 FW 1900OHGNMS53F06VT1

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