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UR Universal Controller
Vivanco GmbH, Ewige Weide 15, D-22926 Ahrensburg, e-Mail: hotline@vivanco.de 1
( GB ) Operating Instructions -> 1
( D ) Bedienungsanleitung -> 2
( F ) Notice d'emploi -> 3
( E ) Instrucciones de uso ->5
( I ) Istruzioni per l’uso->6
( NL ) Gebruiksaanwijzing -> 8
( PL ) Instrukcja obsługi -> 9
( P ) Instruções de operação -> 10
(DK) Betjeningsvejledning -> 12
(S) Bruksanvisning -> 13
(RUS) Руководство по эксплуатации ->14
(GR) Οδηγίες χρήσης->16
Kullanma talimatı -> 18
Návod k obsluze -> 19
(SK) Návod na obsluhu-> 20
(H) Kezelési utasítása -> 22
(GB) Instructions
Inserting the batteries
Open the battery flap on the back of the remote
control, press the tongue lightly downwards,
then insert 2 alkaline AAA batteries. Check that
the polarity markings on the batteries and in the
battery compartment are correctly lined up
(+=+), then close the flap carefully. – Always
use undamaged batteries.
Adapting to a device (e.g. TV or DVB Set
Top Box (or SAT/Cable) etc.
In order to control e.g. your TV or DVB you
must adapt or set the remote control to it. There
are two ways of doing so: direct control code
entry or code search.
If your UR does not understand you it blinks
and you can then repeat the entry. Each
understood entry is confirmed by LED blinking
Direct control code entry using the enclosed
Example: setting to control a Panasonic
television set:
1. The enclosed list gives, for example, the
Panasonic Code 153.
2. To prepare code entry, briefly press the
SET button, and then the TV-button, until the
Powerkey lamp/LED lights constantly.
3. Then press the number buttons (e.g. 1 5
3) in sequence.
4. Once the numbers have been entered the
button lamp goes out and the remote control is
ready to control your appliance.
5. Finally, test the control code setting by
trying to control your television set. If it does not
work at all or not correctly try a different code
from the list or the code search (see below).
Code search
If the brand of your appliance is not in the list or
none of the codes given fits, we recommend a
code search.
Manual code search
1. Switch on the appliance to be controlled.
Program is running.
2. To prepare the code search, briefly press
the SET button and then additionally a
appliance button, e.g. the TV or DVB button,
until the lamp (LED) lights constantly.
3. Then point the remote control at the
appliance to be controlled.
4. Briefly press the ON/OFF
(appliance on/off) button once. The lamp (LED)
5. Press the ON/OFF
on/off) button repeatedly, approx. every second,
until appliance, reacts. - If you notice the
reaction of your appliance too late and the next
code has already been emitted you can go back
by pressing SET and then ON/OFF again. If
your appliance has switched itself off you must
switch it back on again, e.g. on the appliance or
with the original remote control, to continue
searching. - When your appliance reacts you
can also try out other buttons without
interrupting the search. If some buttons do not
work properly, simply continue searching with
6. When your appliance reacts correctly,
press the appliance button e.g. TV and end the
search. The lamp (LED) goes out.
- The search stops after approx. 30 seconds of
Automatic code search
Your remote control finds the correct settings
almost automatically in seconds:
1. Switch on the appliance to be controlled
so that you can watch a TV program.
2. To start the code search, press the SET
button, and then additionally the appliance
button e.g. TV or DVB, for more than 3
seconds until the Power-key lamp (LED) starts
to blink.
3. Then point the remote control at the
appliance to be controlled while the remote
control emits a different ON/OFF signal every 2
4. When your appliance reacts, press any
button, except SET, to end the search. – If you
ended the search too late, continue to search
using the Manual Code Search (see above).
5. Finally, test the control code setting by
trying to control your appliance. If it does not
work correctly, please try the code search
again. The code search then begins with the
next code in the sequence. - Remember to
switch your appliance back on again if you wish
to continue searching.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Vivanco ur 89

Vivanco ur 89 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English - 25 pagina's

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