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Dear Customer,
We are delighted that you have decided on purchasing this hair
trimmer. If you have any questions, please contact the customer
service department via our website: www.service-shopping.de
Safety Instructions
Please carefully read through the operating instructions prior to
using the device for the rst time and store these instructions in
a safe place. The instructions are to accompany the device when
it is passed on to others. The manufacturer and importer assume
no liability in the event the data in these instructions has not been
This device is intended for trimming body hair.
The device is designed for domestic use and is not intended for
commercial use. Only use the device as instructed. Any other use
is deemed improper.
Risk of suffocation! Keep the packaging material away from children
and pets.
Risk of injury! The device is not a toy! Keep children and pets away
from the device.
Do not use the device on irritated or injured skin. First
test the trimmer on your arm or leg. If skin irritation
occurs, discontinue use!
Swallowing batteries poses a risk of death. Therefore keep battery
and the device out of the reach of children and pets. Should a
battery be swallowed seek medical help immediately.
Before inserting the battery check that the contacts in the device
and on the battery are clean and, if necessary, clean them.
Use only the battery speci ed in the technical data.
Remove the battery from the device if it is used up or if you are not
using the device for an extended period. This will prevent damage
which can be caused by leakage.
If the battery has leaked, avoid contact of the battery acid with
skin, eyes and mucus membranes. In case of contact with battery
acid, rinse the affected area immediately with plenty of clear water
and seek a doctor at once. Take a leaking battery out of the device
immediately. Clean the contacts before inserting a new battery.
The battery should not be recharged or reactivated by any other
means, taken apart, thrown in a re, immersed in liquid or short-
Do not subject the device to extreme temperatures, severe
changes in temperatures, direct sunlight or moisture.
Ensure that the device does not fall in water or is at risk of getting
Do not use the device if it is damaged. In the event the device
is defective, do not attempt to repair it yourself. Contact the
customer service department.
Do not use any corrosive or abrasive cleaning agents to clean the
device. When cleaning, no liquid may penetrate the device.
Defects caused by improper handling, damage or attempts at repair are
excluded from the warranty. This also applies to normal wear and tear.
Scope of Supply and Overview of the Device
1 LIGHT position
2 On position
3 Off position
4 Battery
5 Battery
6 Cleaning brush
7 Light
8 6 mm attachment
9 2 / 4 mm
10 Protective cap
11 Shaver head
Not shown: 1 x 1.5 V battery (AAA)
Before Initial Use / Inserting Battery
1. Take the appliance out of its packaging and check that all parts
are present and undamaged. Otherwise, contact our Customer
Service department.
2. Make sure the appliance is switched off (i. e. that the ring-shaped
twist switch is set to Off).
3. Pull off the battery compartment cover and insert the supplied
1.5 V battery. Ensure correct polarity (+ / –).
4. Replace the battery compartment cover. Line
up the dots on the cover and the battery
compartment. Do not use force when
replacing the battery compartment
cover! This can damage it.
5. Replace the battery when the power of the appliance starts to
Keep the device away from your eyes. Do not look
directly into the lamp as it may injure your eyes.
1. Remove the protective cap from the trimmer.
2. Switch the device on by turning the twist
switch to On or LIGHT (on with light).
To switch off, turn the switch to Off.
3. Hold the blade at a 45° angle to the area to
be shaved and run it against the direction of
hair growth.
Do not apply excessive pressure. You could
injure yourself or damage the trimmer!
4. When trimming, pull your skin taut with your
free hand in order to achieve best results.
5. For trimming eyebrows and beard hair, push
the desired attachment onto the shaver head
as far as it will go. The appliance must be
switched off!
When you insert the two-sided attachment
(2 / 4 mm), ensure that the desired side points
in the same direction as the blade.
6. After use, just pull off the attachment (this must only be done when
device is switched off!).
1. Switch the trimmer off and remove the battery.
2. Use your ngernails to carefully reach
underneath the green xing of the shaver
head and remove it.
3. Very carefully remove the removable half of
the shaver head.
4. Use the brush supplied to remove hair and
dust. Do not use any pointed or sharp
objects when cleaning!
5. Reassemble the shaver head after cleaning.
On the inside of the removable half of the
shaver head, the lower part of the blade can
be moved upwards / downwards. When the
shaver head is reassembled, the lower part of
the blade must be located at the lowest point.
6. As required, wipe down the housing with a moist cloth. The
attachments can be rinsed. Dry thoroughly after rinsing.
7. Replace the battery and the protective cap. Store the trimmer out
of the reach of children and pets.
Technical Data
Article number: Z 03984
Model number: MTMX-006
Voltage supply: 1 x 1.5 V battery, type AAA
The packaging material is recyclable. Dispose of the packaging
in an environmentally-friendly manner and make it available
for the recyclable material collection-service.
Dispose of the device in an environmentally-friendly manner.
The device does not belong in the household waste. Dispose
of it at a recycling centre for old electric and electronic
appliances. For more information, please contact your local
The battery must be removed before disposal of the device
and disposed of separately. To help protect the environment,
single-use and rechargeable batteries should not be disposed
of with normal domestic waste but should be taken to an
appropriate collection point. Please observe the statutory
regulations applicable to battery disposal in your country.
Z 03984_V1
Operating Instructions
Customer Service Department / Importer:
DS Produkte GmbH, Am Heisterbusch 1, 19258 Gallin, Germany
Tel.: +49 38851 314650 *)
*) Calls subject to a charge.
As part of the continual expansion, we reserve the right to alter
products, packaging or enclosed documentation at any time.

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