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Getting Started
Your VINCI Tab is ready to enjoy. Turn on, unlock and explore.
1. Press & hold the power button until the screen turns on.
2. Slide the lock icon up to unlock the screen.
3. Tap an app on the home page to enjoy games, story books and
music videos.
Press the power button to go in and out of sleep mode.
Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds to reset your
Press the Menu button to access system settings.
Make sure your VINCI Tab is turned on when charging.
Use the included micro USB to USB cable and travel charger to
charge your VINCI Tab.
Please Note:
Your VINCI Tab may demonstrate unexpected behavior if played
while charging.
Usage and standby times will vary based on the applications used.
VINCI Early Learning Apps
VINCI Apps are based on Age Norms, covering all developmental
aspects of a growing child. For activities best suited for your child,
check recommendations at www.VINCIGenius.com/curriculum
Register & Download Tab Manager
VINCI Tab Manager software completes the VINCI experience. It
allows you to transfer les to and from your VINCI Tab and gives you
access to updates and support. Just connect your VINCI Tab to your
computer and go to: www.VINCIGenius.com/support
The on-screen instructions will guide you to register your VINCI Tab
and download the VINCI Tab Manager software.
Cleaning Your VINCI Tab
Wipe your VINCI Tab with a dry, lint-free cloth. Do not use liquids,
chemicals or detergents. To remove food or juice residue, use a
slightly damp, lint-free cloth with warm water and wipe the area.
Dimensions: (H) 7.25“, (W) 10”, (D) 0.625”
Weight: VH-2001 1.37 lb (620 g) / VL-1001 1.26 lb (570 g)
Display: 7” Multi-Touch display
Processor: Cortex A8
Battery: Rechargeable lithium-polymer
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Camera: 3 megapixel rear-facing
Operating System: Android OS 2.3
12 months parts and labor from date of purchase. Warranty is valid
for defects during normal use. Accidental damage of the touch
screen is not covered by the regular warranty.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Vinci Tab VH 2001

Vinci Tab VH 2001 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 39 pagina's

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