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Install New Apps
After Parent Login, you may install new apps either through WIFI (WIFI
Model Only) or by inserting a MicroSD card. When the MicroSD card is
inserted, go to the Android app list and nd the program “ASTRO” which
is a le browser. Locate tash under SDCard (path: /mnt/sdcard/tash),
tap on the app you want to install, and follow the prompt. Note: SDCard
in the le path means internal storage space.
Parent Mode
Press Menu button and enter password “MyVINCI”. Password cannot
be changed and is case sensitive
Create new folders by pressing your nger on the screen, and move
apps from Android app list to your new folder by pressing the app icon
Transfer Media Files
You can turn on USB mode by dragging your nger on the App List
screen from the top to the bottom. Follow the prompt.
Warning: Please do NOT change original folder structure under /mnt/
sdcard/. Copy your media les into corresponding folders instead. For
example, music mp3 les under Music, video MP4 les under Movie.
Supported Media Formats
Music: MP3. Video: MP4 encoded H.264. Check www.vincigenius.com
for updates.
Getting Started
Your VINCI Tab is ready to enjoy. Turn on, unlock and explore
Press the power button to go in and out of sleep mode
Press and hold the power button for more than 5 seconds to reset
Press the Menu button to access ANDROID settings
USB Connection
Connect the USB cable to the USB connector (the arrow on the USB
Cable should be facing the Tab’s screen)
Carefully slide in the USB connector into the VINCI Tab. Do not force
or tug the connector
USB connector may become damaged or malfunction if bent
Tap on CPInstaller (Curriculum
Pack Installer) and follow the
prompt to install. If it has been
installed before, launch it directly
from the Android App List.
When install is complete, open the
app and it will automatically scan
for the relevant curriculum apps.
Follow the prompt to nish.
All VINCI Curriculum apps are
placed automatically under the
appropriate VINCI Curriculum icon
on the Home screen.
SD Card
Installing VINCI Curriculum SD Cards:
If it is your rst time installing VINCI Curriculum package, please follow
the instructions:
Insert the Micro SD Card directly into the VINCI Tab. Gold PIN
should be facing up.
Login to Parent Mode, open “ASTRO” (path: /mntsdcard/tash)

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