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ViaMichelin Navigation is an advanced navigation software program for PDAs, offering detailed
country maps, accurate down to street-level. When connected to a GPS receiver, it transforms your
PDA into a versatile in-car navigation system.
ViaMichelin Navigation provides you with vocal guidance instructions as you drive and displays dri-
ving directions clearly on your PDA screen, allowing you to drive confidently throughout your jour-
ney. Its user-friendly, easy-to-use interface enables you to quickly familiarise yourself with your GPS
solution, making it simple to use throughout your journeys.
The ViaMichelin Navigation solution includes:
- ViaMichelin Navigation V4 software for PDAs (available on SD/MMC card and/or CD-ROM,
depending on the pack purchased)
and PC applications which give you more extensive use of your navigation solution:
- The quick pre-defined map installer: QuickInstall
- The personalised map installer/viewer: MapStore
- The Point of Interest (POI) database import feature: POI Manager
1.1- Installing ViaMichelin Navigation onto your PDA from a SD/MMC card
Depending on the GPS solution you have purchased, you can install your ViaMichelin Navigation
software and country map directly onto your PDA in one simple step: simply insert your SD/MMC card
into your PDA SD card slot and follow the step-by-step instructions which will appear automatically
on your PDA screen. Your new navigation software will be ready to guide you within minutes!
In order to prevent any problems with your ViaMichelin Navigation SD/MMC card, please check
the following:
- ensure your ViaMichelin Navigation SD/MMC card is not in the "lock" position (see the small
tab on the left-hand side of the SD/MMC card)
- do not delete any of the data stored on your ViaMichelin Navigation SD/MMC card
- do not add any data to your ViaMichelin Navigation SD/MMC card
- do not insert your SD/MMC card in another PDA as the card contents may be damaged
- make sure that your PDA is fully charged
1.2- Installing ViaMichelin Navigation on your computer from the CD-ROM supplied
First, make sure that the synchronisation program supplied with your PDA is already installed on your
PC, and your PDA is properly connected to your computer and able to synchronise with your PC.
When you use the CD-ROM for the first time, the installation program, InstallShield, will start auto-
matically and offer to install ViaMichelin Navigation on your PC.
The installation program will then offer to also install ViaMichelin Navigation on your PDA. Simply
follow the instructions on the screen. Several PDA synchronisations may be necessary.
The MapStore, QuickInstall and POI Manager applications are now installed on your PC and
ViaMichelin Navigation installed on your PDA….you are ready to go!
It is important that you connect your PDA to your computer if you want to use ViaMichelin
Navigation on your PDA. The MapStore application will only accept the PDA connected at the
time of installation.
You will be asked to synchronise your PDA before ViaMichelin Navigation is installed on your
PDA in order to ensure the connection between the PDA and the computer is working.
VMNav_V4_UserGuideUK.qxd 30/08/05 10:50 Page 1

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