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the efficiency of your device, you can connect other peripheral devices on the "INTERACTIVE
BOARD". Please read the instruction manuals of these peripheral units provided by their manufacturers
while using them. In this section, installation of the following devices is described:
USB Devices
Connecting the USB devices
"INTERACTIVE BOARD" has 2 USB2ç0 (Optional ) and 2 UB3.0 input for USB devices as
keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner, digital camera, etc.
USB (Universal Serial Bus) is developed for industrial standard computers. It supports Pnp (Plug
and Play) technology; so you do not need to
close "INTERACTIVE BOARD" while connecting or disconnecting the USB devices.
Updating of internal devices
If you want to change the temporary memory (RAM) module on your "INTERACTIVE BOARD", to
prevent a potential malfunction in computer, please contact with technical department for details.
Please do not change any parts without getting help from a professional.
These transactions should be realized by service centre.
Usage of External Sources with Interactive Board (HDMI-VGA)
When you want to use the external sources with Interactive Board, please ensure that the connections
are made as defined in the manual.
Plug the cable of the desired external device (HDMI1 HDMI2 VGA).
Plug the USB cable transferring the touch screen feature to external source.
Note: To connect via VGA, do not forget to plug the external source cable transferring the voice
function of source to the Interactive Board.
Please be sure that you have transferred the image of the external source to Interactive Board.
In settings of the screen features of your external source, in the section about displaying options;
There are double image (displaying the external source image on both Interactive Board and external
source) and single image options. (Displaying on only external device or Interactive Board)
Choose the Internal Board as single display device via the screen features of the connected external
source. Displaying the transferred image on only Interactive Board will provide you the best solution.
To use external source, to plug the Interactive Board is enough. You can use external sources without
connecting the Embedded PC. Your device will detect the transferred external source automatically.
If you connect the external source to Interactive Board while the Embedded PC is active, your
device will not detect the external source automatically.
To pass to external source, press the source selection button shown as ”.

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