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19.01.2011 ©Velleman nv
a. General mainenance:
Wipe the device regularly with a moist, lint-free cloth. Do not use alcohol or solvents.
b. Fuse Replacement
Remove COM probe [9] and test pin [1] from the circuit under test.
Switch off the multi-meter.
Unscrew the test pin [1] and remove the front cover.
Remove the fuse from the fuse holder and replace it with a new fuse of the same type and
with the same specifications (F500mA/250V, Ø 5 x 20mm).
Close the cover and re-install the test pin [1].
c. Battery Replacement
Replace the battery as soon as the “ ” indication appears on the display.
Remove COM probe [9] and test pin [1] from the circuit under test.
Switch off the multi-meter.
Unscrew the release knob [8] and remove the back cover.
Replace the batteries by 2 new batteries of the same type and with the same specifications
(1.5V – LR44).
Close the battery compartment carefully and tighten the release knob [8].
o Do not try to repair or calibrate the meter yourself; contact your dealer.
o Replace damaged accessories immediately; order them at your local dealer.
o Do not use the meter when it is damaged.
9. Technical specifications
This device is not calibrated when purchased!
Regulations concerning environment of use:
Use this meter only for measurements in CAT I, CAT II and CAT III environments (see §4)
Use this meter only in a pollution degree 2 environment (see §5)
Ideal temperature 18-28°C
Ideal relative humidity 75%
Max. altitude 2000m
Overvoltage/installation category CAT III 600V / CAT II 1000V
Pollution degree Pollution degree 2
Operating temperature 0°C~40°C (RH<80%)
Storage temperature -10°C~60°C (RH<70, store without batteries!)
fuses mA range F500mA / 250V, 5 x 20mm
Overrange indication yes (‘OL’)
Low battery indication yes ( )
Polarity indication ‘-’ automatic indication
“Hold” function yes
Backlight function no
Automatic switch off yes
Power 2 x 1.5V LR44 batteries V13GA (incl.)
Dimensions 230 x 35 x 20mm
Weight ±200g
Accessoires manual / batteries

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