Pagina terug
Pagina verder
2 Introduction
General information ....................... 2
Control elements overview ............ 4
Theft-deterrent feature ................. 18
Usage .......................................... 18
Tone settings ............................... 22
Volume settings ........................... 26
General information
The Infotainment system provides
state-of-the-art in-car information and
The radio is equipped with assignable
channel presets for FM, MW and LW
The audio player plays audio CDs,
MP3 CDs and also WMA CDs.
External data storage devices, e.g.
iPod, MP3 player or USB stick, or a
portable player can be connected to
the Infotainment system. External
audio sources can also be connected
via Bluetooth.
The digital sound processor provides
several preset equalizer modes for
sound optimisation.
The navigation system's dynamic
route planning will reliably guide you
to your destination and can help avoid
traffic jams and other traffic problems.
Optionally, the Infotainment system
can be operated using controls on the
steering column or via the voice
recognition system.
In addition, the Infotainment system
can be equipped with a handsfree
phone system.
The well-thought-out design of the
controls and the clear displays enable
you to control the system easily and
Important information on
operation and traffic safety
9 Warning
Drive safely at all times when
using the Infotainment system.
If in doubt, stop the vehicle before
operating the Infotainment
Using this manual
This manual describes features
that may or may not be on your
specific vehicle, either because
they are optional or due to changes
subsequent to the printing of this
manual. Please refer to the

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Vauxhall Movano 2012 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 191 pagina's

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