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Vehicle features Vehicle featuresVehicle features
Vehicle features
Longitudinal seat adjustment:
Pull handle, slide seat, release
handle. Ensure the backrest
Do not sit nearer than 25 cm from
the steering wheel, to permit safe
airbag deployment.
Seat backrests:
Pull lever, adjust inclination and
release lever. Allow the seat to
engage audibly.
Do not angle the backrest too far
back. We recommend a maximum
rake of approx. 25
Seat height:
Lever pumping motion
up = seat higher
down = seat lower
Lumbar support:
Adjust lumbar support to suit
personal requirements using the
four-way switch.
Push switch up or down to move
support up/down.
Push switch forwards or backwards
to increase/decrease support.
Head restraint adjustment:
Press the release button, adjust
height and engage.
To adjust horizontally, pull head
restraint forwards. It engages in
several positions. To return head
restraint to its rearmost position,
pull fully forwards and release.
Seat belt:
Withdraw seat belt from retractor,
guide it untwisted across the body
and insert latch plate in belt buckle.
Tighten lap belt regularly during
driving by pulling the shoulder belt.
To release belt, press red button on
belt buckle.
Seat belt height adjustment:
1. Pull belt out slightly.
2. Press button.
3. Adjust height and engage.
Adjust the height so that the belt
lies across the shoulder. It must not
lie across the throat or upper arm.
Seat position:
Sit with buttocks as far back
against backrest as possible.
Adjust distance between seat and
pedals so that legs are slightly
angled when depressing pedals.
Slide front passenger seat as far
back as possible.
Steering wheel adjustment:
Unlock lever, adjust steering wheel,
then engage lever and ensure it is
fully locked.
Do not adjust steering wheel unless
vehicle is stationary and steering
wheel lock has been released.
Interior mirror:
Swivel mirror housing to adjust.
To reduce dazzle, adjust the lever
on the underside of the mirror
Automatic anti-dazzle interior
Dazzle from following vehicles at
night is automatically reduced if
the vehicle is equipped with an
automatic anti-dazzle interior
The lever will not be present on the
underside of the mirror housing.
Electrical exterior mirrors:
Select the relevant exterior mirror
by turning the control to the left (L)
or right (R).
Swivel the control to adjust the
In position 0, no mirror is selected.
Child safety system for rear door
power windows:
Press switch z to deactivate rear
door power windows when children
are occupying the rear seats.
The LED in the switch illuminates
when the child safety system is
To reactivate the rear door power
windows, press switch z again.
Folding exterior mirrors:
For pedestrian safety, the exterior
mirrors will swing out of their
normal mounting position if they
are struck with sufficient force.
Reposition the mirror by applying
slight pressure to the mirror
Power windows:
With the ignition on, power
windows are operated via the
switches in the door.
Press switch = Open window
Pull switch = Close window
Press or pull switch to the first
detent: window moves up or down
as long as switch is operated.
Press or pull firmly to the second
detent then release: window opens
or closes automatically. Operate
the switch again in the same
direction to stop window
If the window glass encounters
resistance during automatic
closing, it is immediately stopped
and opened again.
If the windows are operated
repeatedly at short intervals,
window operation is temporarily
Light switch:
m = Activation or deactivation
of automatic light control
AUTO = Automatic light control:
Headlights are switched
on and off automatically
8 = Sidelights
9 = Headlights
Press switch:
> = Front fog lights
r = Rear fog light
Turn thumb wheel:
q = Headlight range
A = Instrument panel
Automatic light control:
When the automatic light control is
active and the engine is running,
the system switches between
daytime running light and low
beam, depending on external
lighting conditions.
During poor external lighting
conditions, the low beam will switch
on automatically.
Daytime running light increases
visibility of the vehicle during
daylight. The tail lights are
switched on or off depending on
country-specific variant.
When a tunnel is entered, the low
beam switch on automatically.
Front fog lights:
Operated with the
> button.
Light switch in position AUTO:
switching on front fog lights will
switch low beam on automatically.
Rear fog light:
Operated with the
r button.
Light switch in position 8:
Rear fog light can only be switched
on with front fog lights.
Light switch in position AUTO:
switching on rear fog light will
switch low beam on automatically.
Vehicle rear fog light is deactivated
when towing.
Headlight range adjustment:
Adapt headlight range to the
vehicle load to prevent dazzling of
other road users.
Turn thumb wheel
q to select the
required position:
Front seats occupied = 0
All seats occupied = 1
All seats occupied and
load compartment laden = 2
Driver’s seat occupied and
load compartment laden = 3
Headlight flash, high beam and
low beam:
Headlight flash = Pull lever
steering wheel
High beam = Push lever
Low beam = Push lever
again or pull
steering wheel
Turn and lane-change signals:
Lever up = Right turn signal
Lever down = Left turn signal
If the lever is moved past the
resistance point, the turn signal is
switched on constantly. When the
steering wheel is moved back the
turn signal is automatically
For three flashes, e.g. when
changing lanes, press the lever until
resistance is felt and then release.
Move lever to resistance point and
hold for longer indication.
Switch the turn signal off manually
by moving the lever to its original
Hazard warning flashers:
Operated with the
¨ button.
In the event of an accident where
the airbags are deployed, the
hazard warning flashers are
activated automatically.
Windscreen wiper:
2 =Fast
1 =Slow
P = Timed interval wiping
or automatic wiping with
rain sensor
§ =Off
For a single wipe when the
windscreen wiper is off, press the
lever down.
Do not use if windscreen is frozen.
Switch off in car washes.
Windscreen washer:
Pull lever. Washer fluid is sprayed
onto the windscreen and the wiper
wipes a few times.
On vehicles fitted with a rain
sensor, keep the sensor area free
from dust, dirt and ice and operate
the washer system regularly.
Rear window wiper/washer:
Press the rocker switch to activate
the rear window wiper:
Upper position = Short interval
Lower position = Long interval
Middle position = Off
Do not use if rear window is frozen.
Switch off in car washes.
If the lever is pushed forwards,
washer fluid is sprayed onto the
rear window and the rear wiper
wipes a few times.
Rear window wiper comes on
automatically when the windscreen
wiper is switched on and reverse
gear is engaged.
The vehicle can be configured to
activate or deactivate this function.
Heated rear window, heated
exterior mirrors:
The heating is operated by
pressing the
Ü button.
Heating works with the engine
running and switches off
automatically after a short time.
Depending on engine type, heating
comes on automatically during
driving when the diesel particle
filter is being cleaned.
Demisting and defrosting the
Press button V:
Fan automatically switches to
the highest speed and air is
directed towards the windscreen
Set temperature control to the
warmest level
Switch cooling n on
Switch heated rear window Ü
Open side air vents and direct
them towards the door windows

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Andere handleiding(en) van Vauxhall Meriva 2013

Vauxhall Meriva 2013 Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 139 pagina's

Vauxhall Meriva 2013 Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 127 pagina's

Vauxhall Meriva 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 227 pagina's

Vauxhall Meriva 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 233 pagina's

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