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Light switches:
8 = Parking lights
9 = Dipped or main beam
> = Front fog lights 3
r = Fog tail light
Vehicle features
Vehicle features Vehicle features
Light switches (continued):
0 = Courtesy lights
k = Instrument illumination
? = Headlight range adjustment 3
Correct adjustment reduces dazzle for
other road users.
Loading with manual
headlight range adjustment 3:
With dipped beam switched on, adjust
headlight range in four steps to suit
vehicle load. Push ? knob to release it
and turn it against resistance to the
required position.
0 = Front seats occupied
1 = All seats occupied
2 = All seats occupied
and luggage compartment load
3 = Driver’s seat occupied
and luggage compartment load
To unlock:
Press button q once on remote control
or turn key in driver's door lock towards
front of vehicle as far as it goes.
To unlock all doors, press q button
twice or turn key in driver’s door lock
twice. To unlock from inside, pull up
lock button on driver's door.
To lock:
Close doors, luggage compartment and
tank flap. Press button
p on remote
control or turn key in driver's door lock
towards rear of vehicle as far as it goes.
To lock from inside, press lock button on
driver’s doors with the doors closed.
Seat adjustment:
z Backrest inclination
z Seat height 3
z Seat position
: Do not sit nearer than
10 inches (25cm) from the steering
wheel, to permit safe airbag
Lumbar support 3:
Turn handwheel on outboard side of
seat while relieving the load on the
Adjust lumbar support to suit personal
Head restraint position:
The middle of the head restraint should
be at eye level. If this is not possible for
extremely tall persons, set to the highest
position and set to the lowest position
for small persons.
Adjusting and removing
head restraints:
To adjust head restraint:
Grip head restraint, tilt forwards and
hold, then move into required position.
To remove head restraint:
Press and release the two catches then
pull and remove the head restraint.
Steering wheel adjustment 3:
Swivel lever down, adjust height, swivel
lever up and engage into position.
Adjust steering wheel only when vehicle
is stationary and steering column lock is
Adjusting exterior mirror:
Swivel lever to required direction from
inside the vehicle.
Electrically adjustable
exterior mirrors
Four-way switch in driver's door
Toggle rocker switch to left or right:
Four-way switch moves appropriate
Adjusting interior mirror:
Swivel mirror housing
Swivel lever on underside of mirror
housing to reduce dazzle at night.
Switching to dipped or main beam:
To switch from dipped beam to main
beam, push stalk forwards.
To switch back to dipped beam, push
stalk forwards again.
Headlight flash:
Pull stalk towards steering wheel.
Main beam is engaged for the duration
of activation.
Operating door-to-door lighting 3:
Switch off ignition, remove ignition key,
open driver's door and pull turn signal
stalk towards steering wheel:
Dipped beam remains on for approx.
30 seconds after closing driver's door.
If the driver's door is left open, the lights
will go out after approx. two minutes.
Cancel by inserting key in starter switch
or by moving turn signal stalk again.
Turn signal lights:
Stalk in rest position
Right = Move stalk up
Left = Move stalk down
When the steering wheel is turned back,
the stalk automatically returns to its
original position, except when lane
When lane changing, move stalk to
resistance point. When released, the
stalk will spring back.
Starting the engine:
Petrol engines: Gear lever in neutral
(Easytronic 3 in N). Depress clutch and
brake pedal. Do not accelerate. Turn key
to 3.
Diesel engines: Gear level in neutral
(Easytronic 3 in N). Depress clutch and
brake pedal. Do not accelerate. Turn key
to 2. When preheating control indicator
! goes out
, turn key to 3.
Preheating system switches on only if
outside temperature is low.
Operating rear window wiper
and wash system:
Wiper on = Push stalk forwards
Wiper off = Pull stalk back towards
steering wheel
Wash = Push stalk forwards
and hold
The rear window wiper swipes in timed
interval mode. The wiper will swipe for a
few strokes when washing.
Windscreen wiper:
Stalk up
§ = Off
$ = Timed interval wipe
% = Slow
& = Fast
Setting wiper interval to a value
between 2 and 15 seconds:
Stalk to timed interval wipe $
Stalk to §
Wait until wiping frequency reaches
desired interval,
Stalk back to timed interval wipe $
The interval time remains stored until
the next change or until the ignition is
switched off. Switching the ignition off
and moving the stalk to $
$ $
$ sets the
interval to 7 seconds.
Operating cruise control 3:
Press buttons on stalk
Switch on: tap button I.
Switch off: tap button
Resume at stored speed: tap button R.
For safety reasons, cruise control cannot
be activated until the footbrake has
been applied once.
Do not use cruise control if it is not
advisable to maintain a constant speed
(e.g. in situations presenting a danger
to yourself and other road users, in
heavy traffic or on winding, slippery or
greasy roads).
In freezing conditions, wiper blades can
freeze to the windscreen. Release
blades from the ice before starting the
vehicle, to prevent wiper motor
Fitting seat belt:
Adjust height such that the belt passes
over the wearer’s shoulder and rests
against the shoulder. It must not pass
over the neck or arm.
Pull belt out slightly, push button on
sliding adjuster and slide up to correct
height. Allow sliding adjuster to latch
audibly into position.
Operating windscreen and
headlight wash systems
Pull stalk towards steering wheel
The wiper will swipe for a few strokes.
The headlight wash system 3 can only
be operated when the headlights are
Fitting seat belt (continued):
Pull belt smoothly from retractor, guide
it across the body and insert latch plate
into the buckle. Make certain that it is
not twisted.
The lap belt must fit snugly across the
body. The seat backrest must not be
inclined too far back (approx. 25° max.)
To release belt, depress red pushbutton
on belt buckle.
Electronic immobiliser
z Deactivated when key is inserted in
the starter switch.
z Activated when key is removed from
the starter switch.
Engine cannot be started in any other
way, so keep spare key in a safe place!
The electronic immobiliser does not lock
the doors. Therefore, always lock the
vehicle when leaving it unattended and
arm the Vauxhall alarm system 3 by
pressing button
p on the remote

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