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Vehicle features Vehicle features Vehicle features
Longitudinal seat adjustment:
Pull handle, slide seat, release
Do not sit nearer than 10 inches
(25 cm) from the steering wheel, to
permit safe airbag deployment.
Seat backrests:
Rotate knob on side of seat, move
seatback to a suitable position and
release lever to lock.
Do not lean on the seatback whilst
adjusting it.
Head restraint adjustment:
Press the release button, adjust
height and engage.
The upper edge of the head
restraint should be level with the
top of the head.
Seat belt:
Withdraw seat belt from retractor,
guide it untwisted across the body
and insert latch plate in belt buckle.
To release belt, press red button on
belt buckle.
Seat belt height adjustment:
1. Pull belt out slightly.
2. Press lock knob.
3. Adjust height and engage.
Seat position:
Sit with buttocks as far back
against backrest as possible.
Adjust distance between seat and
pedals so that legs are slightly
angled when depressing pedals.
Sit with your shoulders as far back
against the backrest as possible.
Set the backrest rake so that you
can easily reach the steering wheel
with your arms slightly bent.
Steering wheel adjustment:
Unlock the lever, adjust the
steering wheel, then engage the
lever and ensure it is fully locked.
Adjust only when vehicle is
stationary and steering wheel lock
is released.
Hazard warning flashers:
Operated with the ¨
On= Press ¨
Off= Press ¨ again
Interior mirror:
To reduce dazzle, adjust the lever
on the underside of the mirror
Manual exterior mirrors:
Adjust mirrors by swivelling lever in
required direction.
The lower mirrors are not
Electrical exterior mirrors:
Select the relevant exterior mirror
by turning the selector switch to left
or right. In the central position no
mirror is selected.
The mirror glass swivels in the same
direction as the activation of the
selector switch.
Return the selector switch to the
central position to prohibit further
Manual transmission:
Reverse gear: With vehicle
stationary, wait 3 seconds after
depressing clutch pedal, then pull
up the button on the selector lever
and engage the gear.
Manual transmission automated
R =reverse
N =neutral
* =neutral
A/M=automatic or manual mode
E =eco mode
Move the selector lever to the
appropriate position and release.
Selector lever returns to centre
Press the E button on the selector
lever housing. Control indicator E is
shown in the transmission display
to indicate activation.
Depress the foot brake when
starting the engine.
The current gear/mode is shown in
the transmission display.
Parking brake:
To release parking brake, raise
lever slightly, press release button
and lower lever fully.
Always apply parking brake firmly
without operating the release
button and apply as firmly as
possible on an uphill or downhill
To reduce the operating forces of
the parking brake, depress the
brake at the same time.
Light switch:
Rotate end of lever:
9 = Sidelights and headlights
$ = Off
Operate buttons on instrument
> = Front fog lights
r = Rear fog lights
ÁÀ = Headlight range
Correct headlight adjustment
reduces dazzle for other road
users. With low beam on, adjust to
suit vehicle load.
Headlight flash, high beam and
low beam:
Headlight flash = Pull lever
steering wheel
High beam = Push lever
Low beam = Pull lever back
steering wheel.
Control indicator C illuminates in
instrument cluster when high beam
and headlight flash is on.
Turn and lane-change signals:
Lever up = Right turn signal
Lever down = Left turn signal
If the lever is moved past the
resistance point, the turn signal is
switched on constantly. When the
steering wheel is moved back the
turn signal is automatically
For five flashes, e.g. when
changing lanes, press the lever until
resistance is felt and then release.
Windscreen wiper:
Rotate lever:
$ = Wiper off
Ç = Intermittent operation
È = Slow
É = Fast
Move lever up:
Single swipe.
In freezing conditions, wiper blades
can freeze to the windscreen.
Release wiper blades from the ice
before operating the windscreen
wiper, to prevent wiper motor
Windscreen wash:
Pull lever. Wash fluid is sprayed
onto the windscreen and the wiper
wipes for a few strokes.
Rear window wiper/wash:
Rotate lever:
$ = Wiper off
e = Wiper on
Wash fluid is sprayed on to rear
window when the lever is pushed
away from the steering wheel.
The rear window wiper comes on
automatically when the windscreen
wiper is switched on and reverse
gear is engaged.
Seat height:
Lever pumping motion
up = seat higher
down = seat lower

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Andere handleiding(en) van Vauxhall Combo 2011

Vauxhall Combo 2011 Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 65 pagina's

Vauxhall Combo 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 147 pagina's

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