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Refer to Owner’s Manual for detailed information. Note: some items described may be optional 3.
Instruments and controls
1. Door window defroster vents
2. Side air vents
3. Front passenger airbag 3
4. Heating, ventilation, air
conditioning system 3
5. Centre air vents
6. Hazard warning flashers
7. D i sp l ay 3 for time, radio, date
and outside temperature
Vehicle security
8. Stalk for turn signals, headlight
flash, dipped and main beam
9. Horn
10. Instruments
11. Windscreen wiper and wash system,
rear window wash system 3
12. Front fog lights 3
13. Exterior lights
14. Fog tail light
15. Headlight range adjustment
16. Bonnet release lever
17. Ignition switch with steering
column lock (not visible)
18. Accelerator pedal
19. Brake pedal
20. Clutch pedal
21. Ashtray 3 or storage compartment
22. Cigarette lighter 3
23. Radio 3 or storage compartment
24. Glove compartment
To unlock driver’s door only
Press button c on remote control once
- or - turn key in driver’s door lock
towards front of vehicle, return it back to
the vertical position and remove.
To unlock entire vehicle
Press button c on remote control twice
within 5 seconds - or - turn key in lock on
one of the front doors towards front of
vehicle twice, turn it back to the vertical
position and remove.
Press button e on remote control - or -
turn key in lock on one of the front doors
towards rear of vehicle, turn it back to
the vertical position and remove.
To lock with anti-theft locking system
Press button e on remote control again
within 2 seconds of locking - or - with the
doors closed, turn key in lock on one of
the front doors towards rear of vehicle
again after locking, then turn it back to
the vertical position and remove.
Engine immobiliser:
z Deactivated when key is in ignition
z Activated when key is removed
Engine can not be started in any other
way so keep spare key in a safe place
Door lock cylinders:
Will free-wheel if forcefully rotated with
an incorrect key.
To reset, turn cylinder until the slot is
vertical using the correct key, then
remove and re-insert key. If cylinder still
free-wheels, turn key through 180º and
repeat the operation.
July 2006 TS 1537-A-07
Vehicle features
Side air vents (1):
Unheated or heated air (depending on
the position of the temperature switch)
will be directed into the vehicle.
Turn knurled wheel clockwise to open
side air vents and anticlockwise to close.
To increase the air supply, set the fan to
a higher speed and set the air
distribution switch to M.
The air flow can be directed as desired
by tilting and swivelling the slats.
Window defroster nozzles (2):
Air distribution switch set to V or J:
Unheated or heated air will be directed
onto the windscreen and onto the door
Fuel Filler Cap:
To open:
Unlock filler cap with ignition
key 3 and unscrew. Remove filler cap
carefully so that pressure can escape
Attach filler cap to bracket on flap and
turn to secure.
To close:
Replace filler cap and turn,
overcoming the resistance, until the lock
on the cap engages audibly. Lock filler
cap with the ignition key 3.
Fuel Tank:
Use unleaded fuel for petrol engines.
Fuel tank capacity - 41 litres
Outside temperature:
A fall in temperature is indicated
immediately and a rise in temperature
after a time delay.
To warn the driver that the road surface
may be icy, when the temperature drops
below 3 °C the symbol : appears on the
When the outside temperature
increases, the symbol : does not
disappear from the display until the
temperature reaches 5 °C.
Caution: The road surface may already
be icy even though the display indicates
a few degrees above 0 °C.
Trip odometer:
Switchable from overall odometer to
one of two trip odometers (A and B)
To switch from overall odometer (ODO)
to trip odometer A (TRIP A)
or trip odometer B (TRIP B):
Press the reset knob briefly to switch
between the three options.
Reset trip odometer A or B by
pressing and holding down the reset
knob for approx. 2 seconds.
Engaging reverse gear: With vehicle
stationary, 3 seconds after depressing
clutch, push lever to right and engage
Engine oil:
Check every 300 miles and prior to long
: It is the owner’s responsibility
to maintain the correct level of an
appropriate quality oil in the engine.
Tyre pressures (psi) for loads:
up to 3 persons full load
Front Rear Front Rear
33 33 35 44

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Vauxhall Agila 2006 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 168 pagina's

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