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3Instructions for use ecoTEC
1 Notes on these instructions
To ensure clarity of information in instructions a new
European standard of advice and symbols is being intro-
duced. To ensure compliance with this new standard the
following details are included.
The following information is intended to help you
throughout the boilers entire instruction pack.
We assume no liability for any damage caused by
non-observance of these instructions.
Other instruction supplied with this appliance
For the end user
Short operating instructions
(ecoTEC plus only) no. 838404
Warranty card with return envelope no. 802922
For the installer/service engineer:
Instructions for installation and servicing no. 839592
Flue installation instructions no. 835296
The instructions for any accessories and controllers
used also apply.
The Benchmark gas boiler commissioning checklist (in
the installation manual) should be completed by the
installer and/or the commissioning engineer.
If, after reading these instructions, you have any ques-
tions on the operation of the boiler, please contact
either your installer or Vaillant Technical Department.
1.1 Storage of the documents
Please store this user manual and all related documents
so that they are available whenever they are required.
If you move please pass on the documents to the buyer.
1.2 Symbols used in this manual
Please observe the safety instructions in this operating
manual for the operation of the appliance.
Immediate risk of serious injury or death.
Potentially dangerous situations for the prod-
uct and environment.
Useful information and instructions.
Symbol for a necessary task
1.3 CE marking
The purpose of CE marking is to certify that the boiler
complies with the requirements of the directives
covering gasfired appliances (Council directive 90/396/
EEC) and electromagnetic compatibility (Council directi-
ve 89/336/EEC).
These appliances also comply with the requirements of
the directive on operating efficiency (Council directive
Vaillant Ltd. support the Benchmark initiative.
At the rear of the installation manual, you will
find a Benchmark gas boiler commissioning
checklist. It is very important that this is com-
pleted correctly at the time of instal lation,
commissioning and handover to the user.
1.4 Data badge
The type plate of the Vaillant ecoTEC is attached at the
factory to the bottom of the appliance.
2 Safety
2.1 Setup and adjustments
Installation and adjustment of the boiler as well as serv-
ice, maintenance and repair of the boiler may only be
carried out by a competent person in accordance with
the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998.
(In the U.K. “CORGI”. Registered installers undertake the
work to a safe and satisfactory standard). If the boiler is
installed in a compartment do not obstruct any purpose
provided ventilation openings, and do not use the com-
partment for storage purposes.
2.2 What to do in an emergency
Smell of gas. Risk of poisoning and explosion
due to a malfunction
If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak:
Do not switch lights on or off.
Do not use any other electrical switches.
Do not use a telephone in the hazardous area.
Do not use naked flames, such as matches or cigarette
Do not smoke.
Turn off the gas supply at the gas meter.
Open the windows and doors.
Warn other residents.
Get out of the house.
Consult your gas supplier, service agent or other com-
petent person.
Notes on the documentation 1
Safety 2

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