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and troubleshooting necessary to install and
operate your new VTech product. Please
review this manual thoroughly to ensure
proper installation and operation of this
innovative and feature rich VTech product.
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What’s in the box
Install the battery
Install the battery
You can power up the baby unit by connecting
it to AC power or to four AA alkaline batteries.
Even if the baby unit is connected to AC
power, we recommend you also install four AA
alkaline batteries. This guarantees continual
operation in case of a power outage.
Install four AA alkaline batteries (not supplied)
into the battery compartment, matching the
polarity markings (+ and -) inside the battery
Make sure the ribbon attached inside the
battery compartment is put under the batteries
and the excess ribbon is tucked in properly.
Install the battery as shown below.
Do not mix old and new batteries. Do not mix
alkaline and standard (carbon-zinc) batteries.
The operating time for using AA batteries is
short, only for a few hours. If you want to monitor
your baby for a long time, we recommend you
connect your baby unit to AC power.
If the baby unit will not be used for a long time,
disconnect and remove the battery to prevent
possible leakage.
You can use rechargeable AA batteries for
the baby unit, but the baby unit cannot charge
rechargeable batteries.
Replace the battery
To replace the battery, gently pull the ribbon
and lift up to remove the batteries, then follow
the step above to install the battery.
Connect the baby unit
Use only the power adapters supplied with this
Make sure the electrical outlets are not controlled
by wall switches.
The power adapters are intended to be correctly
oriented in a vertical or floor mount position. The
prongs are not designed to hold the plug in place
if they are plugged into a ceiling, under-the-table
or cabinet outlet.
Make sure the parent unit, the baby unit and the
power adapter cords are out of reach of children.
Baby unit overview
Camera angle adjustment tab
Tilt to adjust camera angle.
Light sensor
Infrared LEDs
Backup light for night vision.
Press and hold to turn on or off.
Press to play lullabies.
Press again to stop playing lullabies.
+ (Volume up)
Press to increase the listening
Power jack
- (Volume down)
Press to decrease the listening
Press to skip to the next lullaby.
Temperature sensor
13 Battery compartment cover
Threaded socket (1/4 in)
For wall mount installation use.
Baby unit light
On in red when the baby unit is
powered by batteries.
On in green when the baby
unit is powered by AC power.
On in orange when the baby
unit is not paired to the parent
Flashes in red when the baby
unit battery is low.
Flashes alternately in red and
green when the baby unit is in
pairing mode.
Pair new baby unit
Each newly purchased baby unit (VM301)
must be paired to your video and audio
monitor system (VM321/VM321-2) before use.
Make sure you power on the baby unit and the
parent unit before pairing.
Press MENU when the parent unit is idle.
Press or to choose PAIR/UNPAIR
CAM, then press SELECT or .
Press SELECT again to choose Pair new
Press or to choose a desired baby unit
slot then press SELECT.
When the screen displays Please press
both [+] and [-] keys on CAM side until
POWER indicator flashes Red and
Green light, immediately press and hold +
and - for 5 seconds on the new baby unit.
The light on the new baby unit flashes
red and green alternately.
When pairing is successful, the screen
displays the image from the newly paired
baby unit. The light on the new baby
unit turns red when it is powered by AA
batteries or turns green when it is powered
by AC power.
If pairing fails, the screen displays Pairing
failed. Try the pairing process again.
Any new baby unit paired to an occupied baby
unit slot will unpair the current unit.
Only one baby unit can be paired at a time.
Position the baby unit
Keep the baby unit out of the reach of your baby.
Never place or mount the baby unit inside the
baby’s crib or playpen.
To avoid interference from other electronic
devices, place your baby monitor far away from
devices such as wireless routers, microwaves,
cell phones and computers.
Place the baby unit more than 1 meter
(3 feet) away from your baby.
Adjust the angle of the baby unit camera to
aim at your baby.
Place the parent unit more than 1 meter
(3 feet) away from the baby unit.
The default volume of your parent unit is level 4.
If you experience high-pitched screeching noise
from your baby monitor while positioning:
Make sure your baby units and parent unit are
more than 1 meter (3 feet) apart, OR
Turn down the volume of your parent unit.
Check for reception strength and camera angle
before drilling the holes.
Place the wall mount bracket on a wall and
then use a pencil to mark the top and the
bottom holes as shown. Remove the wall
mount bracket and drill two holes in the
wall (7/32 inch drill bit).
If you drill the holes into a stud, go to step
If you drill the holes into an object other
than a stud, insert the wall anchors into
the holes. Tap gently on the ends with a
hammer until the wall anchors are flush
with the wall.
3. Align the wall mount bracket and screws
with the holes in the wall as shown.
Tighten the screw in the middle hole first,
so that the wall mount bracket position is
fixed. You can tighten the other screw in
the top hole.
Place the baby unit on the wall mount
bracket. Tighten the screw into the
threaded socket at the bottom to secure
the baby unit.
Insert the screws into the holes and tighten
the screws until only 1/4 inch of the screws
are exposed.
Place the baby unit on the wall mount
bracket. Tighten the screw into the
threaded socket at the bottom to secure
the baby unit. Align the holes on the wall
mount bracket with the screws on the wall,
and slide the wall mount bracket down until
it locks into place.
5. The default angle of the wall mount bracket
is 90 degrees. You can maximize your
baby units viewing angles by tilting the
wall mount bracket. Hold the baby unit,
and then rotate the knob in anticlockwise
direction. This will loosen the joint of the
wall mount bracket. Tilt your baby unit
up or down to adjust to your preferred
angle. Then, rotate the knob in clockwise
direction to tighten the joint and secure the
6. You can also maximize your baby unit’s
viewing angles by tilting the lens. Hold the
top of the lid, and then tilt it up or down to
adjust to your preferred angle.
Make sure you power on the baby unit and
the parent unit before unpairing the baby unit.
Press MENU when the parent unit is idle.
Press or to choose PAIR/UNPAIR
CAM, then press SELECT or .
Press SELECT again to choose Unpair
Press or to choose a desired baby
unit, then press SELECT.
Press when the screen displays To
unpair CAM # from the system, press
[zoom] key.
Press SELECT when the screen displays
Press [MENU/SELECT] key to confirm.
When unpairing is successful, the screen
displays the image of the next paired baby
unit. If there is no paired baby unit, the
screen displays No CAM paired.
Monitoring mode is not applicable when there is
only one baby unit.
Operating range
The operating range of the baby monitor is
up to 300 meters (1,000 feet) outdoors or
50 meters (160 feet) indoors. The actual
operating range may vary depending on
the environmental conditions and other
interferences such as walls, doors and other
User’s manual
Accessory baby unit
For use with VTech models
Go to www.vtechphones.com
to register your product for
enhanced warranty support and
the latest VTech product news.
Before use
1m (3ft)
1m (3ft)
1m (3ft)
Mount the baby unit
Unpair a baby unit

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