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May be, it will happen that your car radio will not
functioning as you expected it to. Before calling
for service, please read this user manual and
review carefully the setting values: you may find
that a function cannot work properly with the
value, you defined.
Nevertheless, if you need to send your set for
reparation, always send it complete with detach-
able front (do not try to open the car radio to
service it yourself).
Symptoms Cause/Remedy
NO POWER Verify:
The radio does not function.
z The set is well inserted in the dashboard (see
z The set is well connected (see INSTALLA-
The set does not function and the display
screen does not light up.
z Switch off the set.
z Check the fuse (see INSTALLATION).
NO SOUND Verify:
The display screen lights up but the set gives no
sound (or only a whistle).
z Increase the volume: if you are listening to
the radio, move to an area where the recep-
tion of the station is better.
z Check the antenna and its connection (see
z Check if the station search is finished.
Verify the speakers connections (see IN-
STALLATION) and the speakers balance
There is no sound from the loudspeakers
(front and rear), either from the radio or from
There is no sound from the subwoofer after
having connected an external amplifier.
Verify your external amplifier installation:
z Connection of the external amplifier on LINE
The sound level is to low during traffic an-
Adjust the volume setting for traffic announce-
ments (see Presetting TA Volume).
During the use of the CD player, the set does not
function and displays CD ERROR.
z The CD is properly inserted into the CD
z The player contains at last one CD.
z The CD is correctly inserted; not dirty, exotic
or damaged; the front of the of the player is
properly shut.

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Andere handleiding(en) van VDO Dayton CD1107

VDO Dayton CD1107 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

VDO Dayton CD1107 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 19 pagina's

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