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hen using the stick steam cleaner, basic safety precautions should
always be observed, including the following:
IMPORTANT: Please refer to floor manufacturer’s care recommendations
before use and test the steamer on a discrete area of flooring to
egin with.
WARNING: The stick steam cleaner head gets very hot
during operation.
WARNING: Danger of scalding. Avoid contact with the steam.
1. Do not leave the appliance unattended while it is switched on.
Unplug the appliance from the mains supply socket before
carrying out any maintenance or trouble shooting checks and
before you fill/empty the water tank.
2. The appliance must be kept out of children’s reach and should
not be used by children.
3. In order to ensure safety, the appliance should only be
assembled, connected and operated as set out in the
instructions. Only use accessories, which are recommended
by manufacturer.
4. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including
children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities,
or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been
given supervision or instruction concerning the use of the
appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
5. Examine the appliance before use in order to detect signs of
damage. Do not operate if the appliance, its power cord or
plug, show any signs of damage. In order to comply with
safety regulations and to avoid hazards, qualified personnel
must carry out repairs of electrical appliances. If repair is
needed contact the Vax Careline.
6. Do not use the stick steam cleaner if it has been dropped,
damaged, left outdoors or dropped into water.
7. Check the appliance and the mains wire before each use.
8. Do not unplug by pulling on the cord.
9. Do not handle the plug or stick steam cleaner with
wet hands.
10. After use unplug the appliance from the mains
supply socket.
11. When the appliance is in operation, the floor head should not
be directed toward humans, animals or plants.
12. Never immerse the appliance in water or other liquid.
13. Only use water in this appliance. De-scaling products,
perfume, detergent etc. should not be used with this
ppliance, in order to avoid damage.
14. Turn off all controls before unplugging.
5. Do not attempt to remove blockages with sharp objects as
they may cause damage.
16. Store indoors and put away after use to prevent
tripping accidents.
17. Using improper voltage may result in damage to the motor
and possible injury to the user. The correct voltage is listed on
the rating label.
18. A hazard may occur if the stick steam cleaner runs over the
power supply cord.
NOTE: If the supply cord is damaged it must be replaced by the
manufacturer, or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a
hazard, or invalidating the guarantee.
NOTE: Before performing cleaning or maintenance tasks and after
each use unplug the appliance from the mains supply socket and let
it cool down sufficiently.
NOTE: The liquid or steam must not to be directed towards
equipment containing electrical components, such as the interior
of ovens.
IMPORTANT: The clean water tank must not
be removed.
WARNING: The appliance heats up during operation, therefore only
touch handle or buttons. Always let the appliance cool down before
attaching or removing accessories
WARNING: Never try to modify or change the mains plug
of the appliance. Make sure that the supply voltage corresponds to
the voltage marked on the rating label of the appliance.
This stick steam cleaner is intended for household use only and
NOT for commercial or industrial use.
General Safety Information

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