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English - 3
Installing Your Phone
Charge the Battery
1. Unpack all handsets,
packs, and
covers. If
you need to
remove a
cover, press
in on the notch and slide the cover
down and off.
2. Line up the battery connector with
the jack inside the handset; the
connector only fits one way.
3. Push the connector in until it
clicks into place; tug gently on the
wires to make sure the battery is
securely connected.
4. Replace the battery cover and slide
it into place.
5. Use an AC adapter to connect the
power jack on the base to a regular
indoor (120V AC) power outlet.
Connect any chargers the same
6. Place a handset in the base with
the display facing forward. If the
display doesn’t light up, reseat the
handset or connect the base to
a different outlet. For 2 or more
handsets, place each handset in a
# Charge all handsets completely
(about 15 hours) before using.
Connect the Telephone Cord
Use the telephone cord to connect
jack on the base to a
standard telephone wall jack.
Test the Connection
1. Pick up the handset and press
. The handset sounds a dial
tone, and the display shows
If you don't hear a dial tone or
the display says
Check Tel Line,
check the connection between
the base and the phone jack.
2. Make a quick test call. (Press
hang up.)
If you keep hearing a dial tone,
change to pulse dialing.
If there’s a lot of noise, check for
interference (see page 19).
3. Test all handsets the same way. If
you can't get a dial tone, move the
handset closer to the base.
Changing to Pulse Dialing
Your phone uses tone dialing by
default. If your phone company uses
pulse dialing, you need to change
your phone’s dial mode.
1. Press
and choose
Global Setup
2. Select
Dial Mode
. You’ll
hear a confirmation tone.
To send DTMF tones during a call
(e.g., for an automated response
system), press
to temporarily switch
to tone dialing. When you hang up,
the phone automatically returns to
pulse dialing.

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