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English - 13
x Increase the separation between the
equipment and receiver.
x Connect the equipment into an outlet on
a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
x Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/
TV technician for help.
RF Exposure Informaon
This product complies with FCC radiation
exposure limits under the following
x The base must be placed to allow a
minimum of 20 cm (8 inches) between the
antenna and all persons during normal
x The base must not be collocated or operated
in conjunction with any other antenna or
x The handset is designed for body-worn
operation and meets FCC RF exposure
guidelines when used with any belt clip,
carrying case, or other accessory supplied
with this product. (All necessary accessories
are included in the package; any additional
or optional accessories are not required
for compliance with the guidelines.) Third
party accessories (unless approved by the
manufacturer) should be avoided as these
might not comply with FCC RF exposure
Disable All Funcons Except
D1364 Base
1. Plug in the AC adapter.
2. Immediately begin to press
repeatedly on the base. All functions
will be disabled after
is pressed
approximately 20 times in 15 seconds.
D1364 Handset
1. Install the battery.
2. Once Welcome, Please wait...
disappears from the display, press and
, and
3. After about 5 seconds, a confirmation
tone sounds, indicating all functions
except charging have been disabled.
To return to normal operation, cycle
the power for the base and remove and
reinstall the handset battery.
Industry Canada (I.C.) Noce
Terminal equipment
NOTICE: This equipment meets the
applicable Industry Canada Terminal
Equipment Technical Specifications. This
is confirmed by the registration number.
The abbreviation IC before the registration
number signifies that registration was
performed based on a Declaration of
Conformity indicating that Industry Canada
technical specifications were met. It does
not imply that Industry Canada approved
the equipment.
NOTICE: The Ringer Equivalence Number
(REN) for this terminal equipment is
marked on the equipment itself. The REN
assigned to each terminal equipment
provides an indication of the maximum
number of terminals allowed to be
connected to a telephone interface. The
termination on an interface may consist of
any combination of devices subject only to
the requirement that the sum of the Ringer
Equivalence Numbers of all the devices
does not exceed 5.
Radio equipment
The term IC before the radio certification
number only signifies that Industry Canada
technical specifications were met. Operation
is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause interference,
and (2) this device must accept any
interference, including interference that may
cause undesired operation of the device.
"Privacy of communications may not be
ensured when using this telephone."
Warranty (1 Year, Limited)
Evidence of original purchase is required
for warranty service.
warrants, for one year, to the original retail
owner, this Uniden Product to be free from
defects in materials and craftsmanship with

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