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8 9 10 11 12
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Dim : (58W x 76 H)mm/page
Model : ET-160 -SE-50S
Scale : 1:1
Version : English
Date : July.04.2001.
Manual number : UMTMA2006
LCD Display
LCD Display
Programmable Microcomputer TIMER
Thank you for buying this Programmable Micro Computer
Timer! By setting programs and random functions, you can
turn on and off any plugged-in electrical applicances at your
own selected time or at random intervals.
Operation of this Timer is simple. To obtain the fullest
utilization, please read and follow the instructions carefully.
Real-time Clock with Weekday, Hour, Minute and Second
display in selectable 12 or 24 hour display format
20 On/Off Program Pairs with Weekday, Hour and Minute
setting which can operate individually either on a specific
day, Monday to Friday, Monday to Saturday, during
Weekend or everyday
Countdown Timer with Hour, Minute and Second setting
Programmable Random Timer
Summer/Winter Time Mode
Manual On/Off
Master/individual disable for pre-set program(s)
Battery Installation
Before operating, the two button cell batteries (included)
should be installed into the Timer. To install the batteries,
unplug the Timer, unscrew the 2 small screws at the back and
remove the battery cover. Then place the batteries into the
compartment while observing the correct polarity. Replace
the cover and screws after battery installation.
Note: The batteries serve to back up the clock and
programs while it is unplugged. The battery life is
around 1 year when the Timer is not connected to
the power outlet. If you plan to leave the Timer
unplugged for a long period of time, you may want to
remove the batteries from the Timer.
Reset Function / Abnormal Display
When an abnormal or blank display appears, or if you want to
clear all programs, use a round object such as a ball-point pen
to push the RESET key. After reset, clock and all programs will
be cleared.
If the display is dim or abnormal, you should replace the
button cell batteries.
The various modes of the Timer are arranged in a circular
pattern as shown below:
Clock Pgm.1 On Pgm.1 Off Pgm.2 On
Pgm.2 Off ... Pgm.20 On Pgm.20 Off
Countdown Clock...
The PROG symbol will light up to denote Program is being
displayed. The CD PROG symbol will light up to denote that
the Countdown Program is being displayed.
To return to the Clock display from other modes, simply
press both and keys together.
Setting the Clock
To set the clock, press the SET key while clock is
displayed. SET will appear on the display and
weekday will be flashing.
Press or (DOWN or UP) key to select the correct
day.Holding the key and it will repeat by itself.
Press SET key and Hour will be flashing.
Repeat Step (2) and (3) until all data have been set.
For the setting of Second, either or key will set
the second to ‘00’.
After all data have been set, SET will disappear and the
Timer will return to the normal clock display.
To change between 12 and 24 hour display, press the
RND key during clock setting.
Setting the Program
With this Timer you can set up to 20 On/ Off Programs. To
set each program, please see the example shown below:
Example of setting program 1:
MO 8:15 ON / MO 15:45 OFF
In this example, the Timer will be turned on at Monday 8:15
and off at 15:45.
Press or key until PROG 1 ON appears on the
Press SET key and SET will appear on the display and
Weekday will be flashing.
Press or key to select the day(s) for Program 1 to
be active. The day displayed will sequence through
MO-SU (everyday), MO to SU, then MO - FR, MO - SA
and SA - SU, and repeat again. In this example, the day
would be Monday. Press the SET key when MO appears
on the display.
Hour should be flashing. Use or key to change
the hour to 8, then press the SET key.
Minute should be flashing. Change it to 15.
Press SET key to finish the setting of Program 1-On.
Press key and PROG 1 OFF appears at the display.
Use the same method to set the off time.
To set more programs, press the key and PROG 2 ON
appears. Repeat the above procedures to set all programs.
If no key is pressed for 1 minute, the Timer will return to
Clock display automatically.
Setting the Countdown Timer
The countdown timer can be used to turn the timer on or off
for a period from 1 second up to 23 hours 59 minutes 59
Example: Set the Countdown Timer to stay On for 1
hour 10 minutes 0 seconds.
Display CD PROG by using or key.
Press SET key. SET will light up and the word ON will
be flashing
Select on/off using or key. Press SET key
when ON is displayed.
Hour should be flashing.Adjust the hour to 1 and SET.
Minute should be flashing. Set minute to 10 and second
to 0 using the same method.
To activate the Countdown Timer, press the CD key. To stop
the countdown, press the CD key again and the display will
return to its pre-set countdown value.
When the Countdown function is operated in clock mode and
timer program mode, CD will be flashing on the display.
Note: Countdown will not start when Random function is
activated. All pre-set programs are also disabled
during the countdown period. Activating the Manual
on/off function will cancel the countdown operation.
Activating the Random Functions
This timer has a built-in random function to automatically
turn the timer on and off at random intervals. This feature is
especially useful for security purpose whenever a home is
left unattended.
3 different Random functions are available:
(1) Short random Timer
(2) Long Random Timer
(3) Program Random Timer
To activate Short Random, press the RND key when Clock
or Program 1-19 is displayed. RND will flash. To cancel
Random function, press RND key again. Short random
cycle is about 1~2 hour.
To activate Long Random, press the RND key when
Countdown Timer is displayed. L-RND will be flashing. Long
random cycle is about 2~4 hour.
The Random functon can be programmed so that it will
activate only during certain period of time (e.g., only at night
time for the house light). To use Program Random, set
Program 20 to the period that you want the Random function
to be activated.
For example, you can set Program 20-On to Mo-Fr 19:30 and
Program 20-Off to Mo-Fr 23:00. Then random function will only
active on weekday evening.
To activate the Program Random, make sure Program 20 is
displayed, then press the RND key (Pressing the RND key
while Program 20 is not displayed will only activate the regular
Random function).
Once Program Random is started,the RND symbol will stay on
during the inactive period and flash during the active period.
Cycle timer is same as in Short Random.
While random function is actived, all pre-set programs
including Countdown Program will be disabled. Activating
Manual On/Off function will cancel the Random function.
Summer/ Winter Time
Holding both and keys at the same time in the Clock
display will change the current time to Summer time mode.
The hour will advance by one and the symbol “ ” will
light up to denote that the Summer time is activated.
Press the 2 keys again in Clock display will return to normal
Manual On/ Off
The Timer can be turned on or off anytime by using the
ON/OFF key without affecting the program. The flashing ON
or OFF will indicate that Manual On/Off function is activated.
Activating the Disable / Master Disable Function
This function allows you to disable any or all of the pre-set
ON/OFF programs. To disable a particular program, display
the program you wish to disable, then press the SET key. The
display will be flashing and the word SET will light up.
Press the ON/OFF key to disable the program and the X
symbol will appear to indicate that particular program is
Note: The display is still flashing and if there is no changes
to be made on the pre-set program time, press the
SET key until the display is not flashing. Use this
function to disable as many available pre-set
programs as you choose.
Press either the or key to scroll through clock and
programs.If the key is pressed for more than 1 second,the
key will repeat itself.
To disable all 20 programs, press the SET key while in
Clock display, then press the ON/OFF key. The X symbol
appears on the Clock Display Mode indicates that all pre-
set programs are disabled.
To cancel this Disable function, just use the same method to
turn off the X symbol.
Technical Specifications
Program: 20 programs per day or per week
Minimum switching time: 1 minute
Ratings: 120V AC 15A
Maximum load: 1,800W resistive
120 V AC
15 A
Off Indicator
On Indicator
Disable Indicator
Random Mode
Set Mode
Clock Mode
Countdown Mode
Program Mode

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