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This stylish waterproof ashlight is compact yet bright, using a long life CREE-XPG LED for
maximum eect. The magnetic tail switch features variable power control: push one time
for 100% power, 2 times for 30% power, 3 times for o. From any setting, push and hold
switch for 3 seconds to activate emergency strobe. The magnetic switch eliminates water
leakage often seen in conventional models and has a high capacity to withstand pressure.
CAUTION: Make sure to only use equally charged batteries-do not mix and match. Never
mix Alkaline and Lithium batteries.
SWITCH CARE: Because a magnet is used in the tail switch section, tiny naturally occurring
iron particles (iron sand) can accumulate on the switch during diving. After every dive,
wash thoroughly in fresh running water to remove any such iron sand, as well as dirt and
salt. The push button switch is designed to allow water to enter switch area. It is very
important to ush salt water from chamber. Hold switch under ow of cool fresh water.
Turn upside down and depress switch several times until no more water comes out. Repeat
process 2-3 times to ensure that all salt water is ushed from compartment. Do not drop or
place the ashlight on sand or dirt, since iron sand may stick or go into switch section.
1) Turn the switch end cap at the rear of the ashlight’s body counter-clockwise and remove it.
2) Slide out battery cradle and remove depleted batteries.
3) Install (3) fresh AAA batteries into the cradle. Follow the +/- polarity as shown.
4) Clean by removing any sand or dirt from screw threads and O-rings on switch end cap and then
apply a small amount of silicone grease on O-rings.
5) Also check and clean (if necessary) the screw threads inside ashlight body.
6) Slide the battery cradle back into the ashlight body, spring-end towards the ashlight head.
7) Once you have inserted the battery cradle, securely tighten the switch end cap back into place
by turning clockwise.
Model# TUL-400MDR (wide beam) or TUL-410MBL (concentrated beam)
TUL-400MDR (wide beam)
LED: CREE-XPG; 100,000 hour lifetime
Battery: 3AAA
Lumens: 165
Beam angle: 50~60 degrees
Magnetic tail switch: 100% - 30% - hold for strobe
Burn time: 100% - 2 hours consecutive;
30% - 7 hours consecutive
Waterproof to 400 feet / 122 meters
Net weight: 5.82 +/- 0.35 oz, 165 +/- 10g
(without battery and hand strap)
Dimensions: Φ(1.49 x 5.12) inches / (3.8 x 13) cm
Use environment: 0-40 C°
TUL-410MBL (concentrated beam)
LED: CREE-XPG; 100,000 hour lifetime
Battery: 3AAA
Lumens: 220
Beam angle: 5~6 degrees
Magnetic tail switch: 100% - 30% - hold for strobe
Burn time: 100% - 2 hours consecutive;
30% - 7 hours consecutive
Waterproof to 400 feet / 122 meters
Net weight: 5.82 +/- 0.35 oz, 165 +/- 10g
(without battery and hand strap)
Dimensions: Φ(1.49 x 5.12) inches / (3.8 x 13) cm
Use environment: 0-40 C°

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