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SP-6350X 5.1 Surround Speaker Set
This manual is intended for users of the ‘TRUST 4500P 5.1 HOME THEATRE SYSTEM‘. The speaker
can be used with the 5.1 plug of your computer, but is also suitable for use in combination with your
DVD player.
This speaker set includes a powerful sub-woofer (for the bass tones), perfect satellites for the higher
tones, and a separate amplifier to control the speakers.
This product complies with all essential demands and with the other relevant stipulations of the valid
European directives. The Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is available on www.trust.com/13735/ce.
1. Remove the power plug from the wall socket before cleaning the speaker set. Do not use any
liquid cleaners or spray cans. Wipe the loudspeaker set clean with a moist cloth.
2. Never use the loudspeaker set in the vicinity of water.
3. Ensure that no objects or furniture stand on the power cord. Do not place the loudspeaker set
where the power cord may become worn.
4. Never insert any object, of any kind, into any of the openings in the loudspeaker casings.
5. Do not attempt to repair the speaker set yourself. The set should only be maintained by qualified
Connections (see figure 1)
NOTE: There are two types of audio cables included with this audio set. Consult the handbook for your
sound source (DVD player, sound card) for the connecting cables you should use.
1. Connect the audio cable to the output connectors of the sound source.
2. Connect the other end of the audio cables to the “5.1 Audio input” of the amplifier.
In the event you are only using stereo: Connect the cable to “Stereo / Front “L/R”.
3. Connect the foremost loudspeakers to FL (left) and FR (right).
Connect the rearmost loudspeakers to RL (left) and RR (right).
Connect the sub-woofer to the connector “Sub” and the center loudspeaker to “Center”.
4. Connect the low-tension plug from the sub-woofer to the socket “POWER IN”.
5. Lastly, plug the power cord into the wall socket.
Before you turn the speaker set on, turn the volume control completely to the left, so that the sound is
off. This avoids possible damage to the unit, and your ears. The control knobs for Front, Rear, Center
and Sub volume can all be set to a neutral position.
1. Switch the speaker set on (knob 1, figure 2). The lamp (1, figure 2) will light up.
2. Have an audio signal play back from the sound source, e.g. by playing an MP3. Ensure that the
audio settings of your sound source are correct (consult the manual for the sound source).
3. Adjust the volume using the volume knob (3, figure 2).
4. Using the volume knobs Front, Rear, Center and Sub, you can adjust the sound level across the
speakers to suit your preference.
Problem Cause Possible solution
Audio cable(s) not
correctly connected to
the sound source.
Check that the audio cable(s) is/are correctly
connected to the sound source and the amplifier.
Check that the low-tension connector is correctly
plugged into the “POWER IN” socket.
Power not connected
Check that the main power cord is correctly plugged
into the wall socket, and that the power socket is
switched ON.
No sound
from the
Master Volume knob is
set too soft.
Set the Master Volume harder.
Loudspeaker system
switched off.
Turn the loudspeaker system on.
Audio balance
is not good
The volume setting per
channel is correct.
Set the right audio balance to suit your preference
using the volume knobs Front, Rear, Center and
Sound can
only be heard
from the
The sound source is
adjusted to generate
only stereo sound.
Consult the manual for the sound source on how to
generate a 5.1 audio signal.
Sound source does not
support 5.1
Use a decoder.
Problem not
in this list.
Latest FAQ update
available on internet.
Go to
www.trust.com/13735 for FAQ and other
product information.
If, after having attempted all these solutions, you still have problems, please make contact with one of
the Trust Customer Care Centers. You should in any case have the following information ready: the
article number (in this case 13735) and a good description of exactly what is not working, and when.
Conditions of guarantee
- Our products carry a 2-year factory guarantee, starting on the date of purchase.
- In case of defect, return the product to your dealer with an explanation of the defect, proof of
purchase and all accessories.
- During the period of guarantee, you will receive back from your dealer a comparable model, when
this is available. Should this not be available, the product will be repaired.
- For missing components such as manual, software or other parts, please make contact with our
- The guarantee ceases to apply in the event of tampering with a product, mechanical damage,
misuse, modifications to the product, repair by third parties, carelessness and using the product for a
purpose other than the intended.
- Exclusions to the guarantee
Damage caused by accidents or disasters, such as fire, flood, earthquake, war, vandalism or
Incompatibility with other hardware/software which are not mentioned in the minimum system
Accessories such as batteries and fuses (as applicable).
- On no account is the manufacturer responsible for any incidental or consequential damage,
including loss of income or other commercial losses, arising from the use of this product.

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