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EN 3
submerged waste water pump TWP 4036 E / TWP 7536 E / TWP 9000 ES / TWP 11000 ES
This appliance can be used by children aged from
8years and above and persons with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience
and knowledge if they have been given supervision or
instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe
way and understand the hazards involved.
Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and
user maintenance shall not be made by children
without supervision.
General safety
Do not use the device in potentially explosive rooms or
areas and do not install it there.
Do not use the device in aggressive atmosphere.
Check accessories and connection parts for possible
damage prior to every use of the device. Do not use any
defective devices or device parts.
Before carrying out maintenance, care or repair work on
the device, remove the mains plug from the mains socket.
Hold onto the mains plug while doing so.
When positioning the device, observe the minimum
distances from walls and other objects as well as the
storage and operating conditions specified in the Technical
data chapter.
Do not remove any safety signs, stickers or labels from the
device. Keep all safety signs, stickers and labels in legible
General safety warnings – Electrical safety
The device is to be supplied with a rated residual current
of no more than 30mA by means of an RCD (Residual
Current protective Device).
Ensure that all electric cables outside of the device are
protected from damage (e.g. caused by animals). Never
use the device if electric cables or the power connection
are damaged!
The electrical connection must correspond to the
specifications in chapter Technical data.
Insert the mains plug into a properly secured mains
Switch the device off and disconnect the power cable from
the mains socket when the device is not in use.
Do not under any circumstances use the device if you
detect damages on the mains plug or power cable.
If the connection line of this device is damaged, the device
must be sent for recycling in accordance with the
specifications provided in the Disposal chapter.
Defective power cables pose a serious health risk!
Should there be a risk of flooding, install the plug
connections in a flood-proof area. There is a risk of
electric shock!
Make sure that the mains voltage corresponds to the
specifications on the nameplate.
Have all electrical installations carried out by an expert
according to the national regulations and the device-
specific requirements.
Do not use the power cable to drag the device.
Hold onto the mains plug while pulling the power cable out
of the mains socket.
Protect the power supply cable against heat, oil and sharp
edges. Make sure that the power supply cable is not
crushed, kinked or subjected to other mechanical stresses.
Only use splash-proof extension cables intended for
outdoor use whilst observing the device's power input.
Before using cable drums, always unroll the cable
completely. Check the cable for damage. The use of
extension cables which are not approved for outdoor use
can result in injuries due to electric shock.
Before performing any work on the device, in case of leaks
in the water system, before taking work breaks or when
not in use, remove the mains plug from the mains socket.
General safety warnings – Personal safety
Never use the device with persons or animals in the water
or pumping medium or if they could access it. There is a
risk of electric shock!
Never insert any objects or limbs into the device.
This appliance is not a toy! Keep away from children and
animals. Do not leave the device unattended during
Device-specific safety warnings for submerged
Do not leave the device running unattended to ensure an
early detection of when the device runs dry or switches off
automatically. This would damage the device. Regularly
check the float for proper functioning.
Please bear in mind, that the device is not suitable for
continuous operation (e.g. for watercourses in garden
ponds). Check the device for proper functioning on a
regular basis.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Trotec TWP7536E

Trotec TWP7536E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Trotec TWP7536E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 19 pagina's

Trotec TWP7536E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 19 pagina's

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