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Place the jet nozzle (No. 6) on the detail nozzle (No. 5) for the steam cleaning of inaccessible
places, see Figure 12
Place the metal brush (No. 7) on the nozzle (No. 5) for steam cleaning hard parts, such as
metal. Place the brush (No. 8) on the nozzle (No. 5) for the steam cleaning of soft parts, such
as wood and joints between tiles.
Place the window cleaning adapter (No. 9) on the nozzle (No. 5), attach the adapter to
window cleaning attachement (No. 11), Figure 15 and 16. Attach the cotton cloth in the window
cleaning attachement (No. 11) for extra dirty windows or to prevent damage to the glass. Let it
the window warm up for cleaning by steam at a minimum distance of 20 cm. focus on the
window if the window is at low temperature, the heat of the steam might cause cracking.
Use of the device
Make sure the plug is unplugged from the wall outlet.
Open the water tank of the steam cleaner by simultaneously pressing the cap and turning
counterclockwise, see figure 17. Fill the tank with clean warm water, using the included funnel
(No. 1) and measure jug (No. 2), see Figure 18. The maximum filling quantity is 1.4 liter. Never
add detergents or other substances to the water. Turn the end cap back on the steam cleaner
by simultaneously pressing the cap and turning clockwise.
Never open the water tank when the unit is in use, this is very dangerous, you can seriously
injure yourself or others!
Insert the plug into a grounded outlet and press the on / off switch on top of the steam cleaner.
The red light (A) lights up, when the device is ready to go the red light goes off and the green
light (B) lights up.
If the device returns to heat the red lights up again. See Figure 19 and 20.
By steam control (C) is the amount of steam provided from minimum to maximum steam
output, see Figure 22. Squeeze the switch in the handle of the steam gun hose (No. 3), see
Figure 21. The radius of the ejected steam is very powerful, so make sure you do not focus on
people, pets or delicate items. Never direct the steam jet on electrical appliances
Attention! The hoses and the handle can be very hot, be careful.
Make sure that children, people with mental disabilities and pets never come near the device.
Leave the deviceand the use accessories cool down before you change accessory
Storage and cleaning the device
Turn the machine off and remove the plug from the wall outlet.Let the unit cool down
completely. Squeeze the switch in the handle of the gun with steam hose (No. 3), see Figure
23, to release the pressure of the reservoir. Remove the cap and empty the tank, see Figure
24. The cleaning cloth can be machine washed. The equipment and accessories with a clean
damp cloth.

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