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Before first use
Wash the bowl, the lid the measuring cup and spatula in a warm, soapy
water. Rinse and dry thoroughly. Wipe the base with a clean, damp cloth. Dry
thoroughly. Do not use harsh detergents or abrasive cleaners on any part of
the appliance. Never immerse the base in water or any other liquid.
How to cook the rice
Before each use, make sure that the outside of the rice bowl is clean and dry
and that the heat sensor in the centre, on the inside of the base, is clean, dry
and cool. Handle the rice bowl carefully; scratching or denting the bowl may
result in unsatisfactorily performance.
Note: There are different opinions about whether the rice should be washed
before cooking or not. Those in favour argue that this washes away the starch
content and ensures non-sticky grains. Those against, feel valuable soluble
vitamins and minerals are lost. Drier, fluffier rice is obtained by washing
before cooking.
Measure rice and water and place evenly into the rice bowl.(See Rice
cooking chart) Never put any liquid into the base.
Place the rice bowl into the base and make sure that the bowl is
properly sat unto the base. Close by placing the lid.
Plug cord into a 230V AC outlet. Depress the switch and the red light
will glow. Cook switch will not stay down unless the rice bowl is placed
in the right way: this is a safety feature of this rice cooker.
Wait 20 minutes for the rice to finish cooking. Fluff the rice with the
Unplug the rice cooker before removing the lid and rice bowl from the
If the rice is to be kept warm, leave the rice cooker plugged-in and
reposition the lid after fluffing.
If using unwashed rice, a thin layer of starch may form at the bottom of
the rice bowl: this is quite normal and can be mixed in with the rice
when fluffing as it does not affect the taste or texture.
Rice cooking chart
Standard measuring cup (included)

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